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Help converting .asp page to .aspx.

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Technical User
Jan 27, 2006
We currently load an .asp page with data from our sql server and have text box where users can enter qty next to each item them would like to order then hit submit button and sends that data to sql and loads our system. We are looking to convert this to .aspx page and not sure where to start. We have used datagrids to display sql data and that works fine but not sure if we should use for this or not and how to add a textbox to the datagrid. This is our current code:
<title>Sales Ad Program</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="StyleBlue.css">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="none, default">


AdPageDate = FormatDateTime(cdate(Trim(Request("ID2"))))

<!-- This script will check form fields for numeric values -->
<!-- Begin
function checkNumeric(objName,minval, maxval,comma,period,hyphen)
var numberfield = objName;
if (chkNumeric(objName,minval,maxval,comma,period,hyphen) == false)
return false;
return true;

function chkNumeric(objName,minval,maxval,comma,period,hyphen)
// only allow 0-9 be entered, plus any values passed
// (can be in any order, and don't have to be comma, period, or hyphen)
// if all numbers allow commas, periods, hyphens or whatever,
// just hard code it here and take out the passed parameters
var checkOK = "0123456789" + comma + period + hyphen;
var checkStr = objName;
var allValid = true;
var decPoints = 0;
var allNum = "";

for (i = 0; i < checkStr.value.length; i++)
ch = checkStr.value.charAt(i);
for (j = 0; j < checkOK.length; j++)
if (ch == checkOK.charAt(j))
if (j == checkOK.length)
allValid = false;
if (ch != ",")
allNum += ch;
if (!allValid)
alertsay = "Please enter only these values \""
alertsay = alertsay + checkOK + "\" in the \"" + checkStr.name + "\" field."
return (false);

// set the minimum and maximum
var chkVal = allNum;
var prsVal = parseInt(allNum);
if (chkVal != "" && !(prsVal >= minval && prsVal <= maxval))
alertsay = "Please enter a value greater than or "
alertsay = alertsay + "equal to \"" + minval + "\" and less than or "
alertsay = alertsay + "equal to \"" + maxval + "\" in the \"" + checkStr.name + "\" field."
return (false);
// End -->

<!--#include file="IncludeSecurity.asp"-->
<!--#include file="IncludeSQLServer4Connection.asp"-->
<!--#include file="IncludeCustomerNameAndAddress.asp"-->


<b <%
Dim Parm1, Parm2, Parm3
Parm1 = Trim(Request("ID1"))
Parm2 = Trim(Request("ID2"))
Parm3 = Trim(Request("ID3"))

MySQL= "spWebSalesProgramGroceryOrder @HeadQuartersCustomer='" & Session("HeadQuartersCustomer") &_
"', @SelectedCustomer='" & Session("SelectedCustomer") &_
"', @HeadQuarters =" & Session("HEADQUARTERS") &_
", @GroupAdID=" & Parm3%>><font size="2"><% response.write Parm1 %><B> </B><% response.write Parm2 %></b>

dim conntemp, rstemp, Service
set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conntemp.open strconn
set rstemp=conntemp.execute(MySQL)
howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1%>

<table width="100%" border=0>
<% 'Put Headings On The Table of Field Names
<td id="Heading" nowrap>Qty</td>
for i=0 to howmanyfields %>
<td id="Heading" nowrap><%=rstemp(i).name%></td>
<% next %>

<% ' Now lets grab all the records
qty = 1
do while not rstemp.eof %>


<input name=ItemNum<%=qty%> type="hidden" value="<%=rstemp(2)%>">
<input name=ListPrice<%=qty%> type="hidden" value="<%=rstemp(6)%>">
<td id="Detail" width="24%" height="25" align="left"> <INPUT NAME=Quantity<%=qty%> onBlur="checkNumeric(this,0,999,'','','');" maxlength="3" size="2" value="0"></td>

<% for i = 0 to howmanyfields
If isnull(thisvalue) then
thisvalue=" "
end if%>

<% If rstemp(7) = 2 Then Service = (CDbl(rstemp(9)) * CDbl(rstemp(6))) Else Service = (CDbl(rstemp(9)) * CDbl(rstemp(8))) End If%>
<%If i = 1 then%>
<td id="DetailImage"><a href="/images/items/<%=thisvalue%>" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="/images/items_tn/tn_<%=thisvalue%>" ></a></td>
<% ElseIf i = 2 then %>
<td id="DetailLink"><a href="SalesAdProgramPastOrders.asp?id1=<% response.write thisvalue%>&id2=<% response.write "01"%>" target="_blank" ><%=thisvalue%></a></td>
<% ElseIf i = 6 then %>
<td align="Right" id="Detail" nowrap><%=FormatCurrency(thisvalue)%></td>
<% ElseIf i = 7 then %>
<td align="Right" id="Detail" nowrap><%=FormatCurrency(CDbl(rstemp(6)) - CDbl(rstemp(8)))%></td>
<% ElseIf i = 8 then %>
<td align="Right" id="Detail" nowrap><%=FormatCurrency(thisvalue)%></td>
<% ElseIf i = 9 then %>
<td align="Right" id="Detail" nowrap><%= FormatCurrency((CDbl(Service) + CDbl(rstemp(8))) / CDbl(rstemp(4)))%></td>
<% ElseIf i = 12 then %>
<td align="Right" id="Detail" nowrap><%= FormatPercent(FormatNumber( (CDbl(thisvalue) - ((CDbl(Service) + CDbl(rstemp(8))) / CDbl(rstemp(4)))),2) / CDbl(thisvalue))%></td>
<% Else %>
<td id="Detail" nowrap><%=thisvalue%></td>
<% End If %>

<% next %>


qty = qty + 1

<%Session("RecCount") = qty %>

*Order to be attached to the first order you place on or after this date*
<select name=OrderDeliverDate>

<% for l = 0 to 13 %>
<option value="<%= FormatDateTime(cdate(AdPageDate) - 6 + l)%>"><%= FormatDateTime(cdate(AdPageDate) - 6 + l ,1)%>
<% next %>


<input name=Facility type="hidden" value="01">
<input name=AdDate type="hidden" value="<%= FormatDateTime(cdate(AdPageDate))%>">

<td width="64%" height="21" align="left"><INPUT NAME=SUBMIT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=SUBMIT>

set rstemp=nothing
set conntemp=nothing


See attachment for how screen currently displays.

Looking for a little help getting started in the correct direction. Thanks, Joe
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Part and Inventory Search

