I own a 2wire 1000s homeportal and ran into a little problem from experimenting. I tried changing my IP manually to connect to my ps2 for custom apps. The thing is when it didnt work and i tried connecting back to my router I got a dead page. I did a IPCONFIG in CMD and my IP is a 169.168.xx.xx number cause the only thing i remeber when manually entering my IP into the router was 169. etc etc. The worst part about the whole thing is I didnt write down that IP and I in a way, "locked the keys in the car" on my router. I was wondering if theres a way or a program like a macro that will try every possible 169.168.x.x ip until it finds my router or another way around. Also there is no hard reset on this router, (dont have a ****** clue why not, but)so im really in a bad situation. If it helps, right now im posting this messege through a linksys router BEFSR41 thats connected through the 2wire portal thats messed up, how, i do not know but it works fine when i connect this linksys router to it, but still cant connect to my 2wire, even with direct connect.