I am trying to set up procomm to capture ascii data from an incoming modem, however it keeps cutting off half of it, and it is overwriting the data each time the modem dials back in. ..... Your Thoughts ???
Can you post your script to look over? There are a couple things that are possibly happening. The first is that the scrollback buffer only holds so much data so if you are capturing the scrollback buffer to a file, you could see this problem. Another is that for data to end up in the capture file, it must first appear in the scrollback buffer. If the remote system repaints the screen instead of scrolling the data, then this can happen.
i always start out a new connection script with a cookie cutter template of the things i normally adjust like this .... main help is increasing the scroll buffer as KNOB has said, but you can look at the values and see what the choices are that might help .....
;set port baudrate 9600
;set port databits 7
;set port parity EVEN
;set port stopbits 1
;SET port softflow OFF
;SET port hardflow OFF
;dialload "pw5.dir"
set terminal scroll on
set terminal scrollmethod normal
set terminal sbpages 1300
set aspect path "C:\Progra~1\Symant~1\Procom~1\Aspect\"
;set terminal frame off
set capture autostart ON
set capture file "c:\capture\default.txt"
set capture path "c:\capture"
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query ON
set capture recordmode SCREEN
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