I have a VB 6.0 application that uses Crystal Reports 8.0 to display reports from a directory below my application (i.e. "c:\myapp\reports\report1.rpt"). CR 8 has worked great for me for the past few years, but now our users are having problems exporting the reports from the crviewer to the latest version of MS Word & Excel.
I recently purchased CR 10 as the fix to my export problem. After modifying my app to work for CR 10 (switching the crview.dll and craxdrt.dll references) I was able to display the reports from my application.
However, when I packaged and deployed my application to another computer, one that already used CR 8.0, the viewer develops an error: -2147206429; Invalid TLF Record.
This error occurs when I try to try to open the report and set the refernce to the CRReport variable:
Does anyone know why this is happening? Do I have to install other file references besides crview.dll and craxdrt.dll? I can send more code if you need me to.
Thanks in advance.
I recently purchased CR 10 as the fix to my export problem. After modifying my app to work for CR 10 (switching the crview.dll and craxdrt.dll references) I was able to display the reports from my application.
However, when I packaged and deployed my application to another computer, one that already used CR 8.0, the viewer develops an error: -2147206429; Invalid TLF Record.
This error occurs when I try to try to open the report and set the refernce to the CRReport variable:
Set CRReport = CRApplication.OpenReport(App.Path & "\Reports\" & ReportName)
Does anyone know why this is happening? Do I have to install other file references besides crview.dll and craxdrt.dll? I can send more code if you need me to.
Thanks in advance.