I am just learning SQL and have been given an assignment to create a script to prompt a user for values and then enter the values into a table. I am familiar with the variable @ and @@ for queries but cannot seem to get it work for the insert function. My script is below with the spoolat the bottom. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.!
spool c:\oracle\Ora81\BIN\SQL_SCRIPTS\InsertScript1projectSpool;
Accept v_vol_first Prompt 'What is the volunteers first name? '
Accept v_vol_mi Prompt'Middle Initial? '
Accept v_vol_last Prompt 'Last? '
Accept v_vol_home_phone prompt 'Home phone number? '
Accept v_vol_FAX Prompt 'Home FAX number? '
Accept v_vol_work_phone Prompt'Work phone? '
Accept v_vol_work_FAX Prompt'Work FAX? '
Accept v_vol_Email Prompt 'Email address? '
Accept v_vol_comments Prompt 'Enter comments about this volunteer '
set echo on;
insert into volunteer(vol_id,first,mi, last,user_id,
home_phone,home_fax,work_phone,work_fax,email_address, comments)
values(vol_id_seq.NEXTVAL, '@@v_vol_first', '@@v_vol_mi','@@v_vol_last', USER_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL ,
set echo off;
spool off;
From spool:
SQL> insert into volunteer(vol_id,first,mi, last,user_id,
2 home_phone,home_fax,work_phone,work_fax,email_address, comments)
3 values(vol_id_seq.NEXTVAL, '@@v_vol_first', '@@v_vol_mi','@@v_vol_last', USER_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL ,
4 '@@v_vol_home_phone','@@v_vol_FAX','@@v_vol_work_phone',
5 '@@v_vol_work_FAX','@@v_vol_email','@@v_vol_comments');
insert into volunteer(vol_id,first,mi, last,user_id,
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column
I have tried using single @ ,no ' ', inserting the vol_id first and then trying to update using a vol_id_seq.CURRVAL.
I am just learning SQL and have been given an assignment to create a script to prompt a user for values and then enter the values into a table. I am familiar with the variable @ and @@ for queries but cannot seem to get it work for the insert function. My script is below with the spoolat the bottom. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.!
spool c:\oracle\Ora81\BIN\SQL_SCRIPTS\InsertScript1projectSpool;
Accept v_vol_first Prompt 'What is the volunteers first name? '
Accept v_vol_mi Prompt'Middle Initial? '
Accept v_vol_last Prompt 'Last? '
Accept v_vol_home_phone prompt 'Home phone number? '
Accept v_vol_FAX Prompt 'Home FAX number? '
Accept v_vol_work_phone Prompt'Work phone? '
Accept v_vol_work_FAX Prompt'Work FAX? '
Accept v_vol_Email Prompt 'Email address? '
Accept v_vol_comments Prompt 'Enter comments about this volunteer '
set echo on;
insert into volunteer(vol_id,first,mi, last,user_id,
home_phone,home_fax,work_phone,work_fax,email_address, comments)
values(vol_id_seq.NEXTVAL, '@@v_vol_first', '@@v_vol_mi','@@v_vol_last', USER_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL ,
set echo off;
spool off;
From spool:
SQL> insert into volunteer(vol_id,first,mi, last,user_id,
2 home_phone,home_fax,work_phone,work_fax,email_address, comments)
3 values(vol_id_seq.NEXTVAL, '@@v_vol_first', '@@v_vol_mi','@@v_vol_last', USER_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL ,
4 '@@v_vol_home_phone','@@v_vol_FAX','@@v_vol_work_phone',
5 '@@v_vol_work_FAX','@@v_vol_email','@@v_vol_comments');
insert into volunteer(vol_id,first,mi, last,user_id,
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column
I have tried using single @ ,no ' ', inserting the vol_id first and then trying to update using a vol_id_seq.CURRVAL.