Technical User
- Jul 25, 2002
- 97
I am trying to backup both AIX/NT onto a single tape. The
problem I am having is that the tape automatically rewinds, I
believe, after the first back up is done. I need to know the
tape command so that the tape does not backup after the first
backup is complete. Here is my script:
#switch to backup directory###
cd /notes
# create log file
DATE=`date +"%d%b%y"`;
touch $DATE.log.2
# generate list of files to backup
touch /notes/unix_incremental_files
find /home/xxxxx/PERLSCRIPTS -print >> /notes/unix_incremental_files
# perform backup
tar -cvf/dev/rmt1.4 -L /notes/unix_incremental_files
# move the backed up files list to the log file
mv /notes/unix_incremental_files /notes/$DATE.log.2
# remove old files
rm /notes/unix_incremental_files
# perform backup
/tools/samba/bin/smbclient '\\Kslnas1\home2' xxxxx -U xxxxx -Tc /dev/rmt1 '\xxxxx\laptop bkp\Personal\Mandarin2' >> ./$DATE.log.2
# rewind tape
tctl -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
# compress file
compress ./$DATE.log.2
I heard that the following may work:
tar -cvf/dev/rmt1.4
to prevent the tape from rewinding but it does not. Could someone please help me?
We are using AIX 4.3.3
Thank you
I am trying to backup both AIX/NT onto a single tape. The
problem I am having is that the tape automatically rewinds, I
believe, after the first back up is done. I need to know the
tape command so that the tape does not backup after the first
backup is complete. Here is my script:
#switch to backup directory###
cd /notes
# create log file
DATE=`date +"%d%b%y"`;
touch $DATE.log.2
# generate list of files to backup
touch /notes/unix_incremental_files
find /home/xxxxx/PERLSCRIPTS -print >> /notes/unix_incremental_files
# perform backup
tar -cvf/dev/rmt1.4 -L /notes/unix_incremental_files
# move the backed up files list to the log file
mv /notes/unix_incremental_files /notes/$DATE.log.2
# remove old files
rm /notes/unix_incremental_files
# perform backup
/tools/samba/bin/smbclient '\\Kslnas1\home2' xxxxx -U xxxxx -Tc /dev/rmt1 '\xxxxx\laptop bkp\Personal\Mandarin2' >> ./$DATE.log.2
# rewind tape
tctl -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
# compress file
compress ./$DATE.log.2
I heard that the following may work:
tar -cvf/dev/rmt1.4
to prevent the tape from rewinding but it does not. Could someone please help me?
We are using AIX 4.3.3
Thank you