I'm hoping someone can help me all to this code. I need this code to say something like this in within the VBA script.
If the field has a "0" or false act like the field is not there. in other words, I don’t want to us a field with a "0" or a "false" in my standard deviation calculation.
Thank you
If the field has a "0" or false act like the field is not there. in other words, I don’t want to us a field with a "0" or a "false" in my standard deviation calculation.
Thank you
Public Function GetXLStDev(No1 As Double, No2 As Double, No3 As Double, No4 As Double, No5 As Double, No6 As Double) As Double
Dim objExcel As Object
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Let GetXLStDev = objExcel.StDev(No1, No2, No3, No4, No5, No6)
Set objExcel = Nothing
End Function
Public Function Pause(PauseSeconds As Double)
Dim Start
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + PauseSeconds
End Function