I am having some trouble adding 3 more Parameters to an already written stored procedure. I have added the parameters at the top already. They are @protocol, @staff and @service. I have tried to fit them in the script but it is either not pulling the data or pulling data I am not calling. I am very new to stored procedures, having only written basic ones. If anyone can assist me I would greatly appreciate it. Below is script:
I am having some trouble adding 3 more Parameters to an already written stored procedure. I have added the parameters at the top already. They are @protocol, @staff and @service. I have tried to fit them in the script but it is either not pulling the data or pulling data I am not calling. I am very new to stored procedures, having only written basic ones. If anyone can assist me I would greatly appreciate it. Below is script:
USE [rpt]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[psp_19501_extract_financial_data2] Script Date: 04/20/2013 07:04:37 ******/
alter procedure [dbo].[psp_19501_extract_financial_data2] ( @startdt datetime,@enddt datetime, @incstand char(3), @coverage varchar(400), @protocol char(10), @staff char(10), @service char(10) )
* Created to extract data to display in a crystal report that will show
* show financial data for patient accounts per "Services No Client Name Report Specifications"
set nocount on
set @coverage=UPPER(@coverage)
---first pass - extract the primary Payer for that is the first physical payer in the coverage list
select (select report_header from Institution with (nolock))as 'facility',bt.billing_trans_no,bt.patient_id,bt.episode_id,bt.hosp_status_code,bt.billing_proc_code,bt.proc_duration,bt.proc_duration AS 'ITDA',bt.proc_duration AS 'count_ITDA',bt.proc_duration as 'count_proc_duration',bt.duration_type,bt.billing_amt,bt.payor_disallowance,bt.payor_payment,btb.balance_amount, bt.copay_priority, bt.coverage_plan_id,bt.proc_chron, bt.billing_proc_desc, bt.clinic_id,bt.program_id,bt.service_id,bt.protocol_id,bt.clinician_id, s.fname,s.lname,rtrim(s.lname)+', '+s.fname as 'full_name',bt.patient_copay, pct.clinical_transaction_no, '1' as 'extract_type', space(50) as 'patient_name',0000000.00 AS 'payment_amt'
into #temp1 from Billing_Transaction bt with (nolock)
left join Billing_Transaction_Balance btb with (nolock)on btb.billing_trans_no=bt.billing_trans_no
join Staff s with (nolock) on s.staff_id=bt.clinician_id
join Patient_Clin_Tran pct with (nolock) on pct.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no
where pct.is_error<>'Y'
and (@coverage like '%All%' or @coverage like '%'+rtrim(bt.coverage_plan_id)+'%')
and bt.clin_trans_status='CO'
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)>=convert(varchar(8),@startdt,112)
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)<=convert(varchar(8),@enddt,112)
--and bt.copay_priority<=7
--going to get the group of coverages that are first physically here and exclude those that need top be excluded)
and bt.coverage_plan_id<>'STANDARD'
and (bt.copay_priority=1 and bt.billing_amt>0 and (bt.payor_disallowance>0 or bt.payor_payment>0))
---second pass - get the primary payer that is not standard but not the first physical coverage in the coverage list
insert into #temp1
select (select report_header from Institution with (nolock))as 'facility',bt.billing_trans_no,bt.patient_id,bt.episode_id,bt.hosp_status_code,bt.billing_proc_code,bt.proc_duration,bt.proc_duration AS 'ITDA',bt.proc_duration AS 'count_ITDA',bt.proc_duration as 'count_proc_duration',bt.duration_type,bt.billing_amt,bt.payor_disallowance,bt.payor_payment,btb.balance_amount, bt.copay_priority, bt.coverage_plan_id,bt.proc_chron, bt.billing_proc_desc, bt.clinic_id,bt.program_id,bt.service_id,bt.protocol_id,bt.clinician_id, s.fname,s.lname,rtrim(s.lname)+', '+s.fname as 'full_name',bt.patient_copay, pct.clinical_transaction_no, '2' as 'extract_type', space(50) as 'patient_name',0000000.00 AS 'payment_amt'
from Billing_Transaction bt with (nolock)
left join Billing_Transaction_Balance btb with (nolock) on btb.billing_trans_no=bt.billing_trans_no
join Staff s with (nolock) on s.staff_id=bt.clinician_id
join Patient_Clin_Tran pct with (nolock) on pct.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no
where pct.is_error<>'Y'
and (@coverage like '%All%' or @coverage like '%'+rtrim(bt.coverage_plan_id)+'%')
and bt.clin_trans_status='CO'
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)>=convert(varchar(8),@startdt,112)
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)<=convert(varchar(8),@enddt,112)
and bt.copay_priority<=7
--going to get the group of coverages that are not first physically here but are still the primary payer)
and bt.coverage_plan_id<>'STANDARD'
--at this point only coverages with copay-priority 1 are in #temp1
and bt.copay_priority>1
and bt.billing_amt>0
and (bt.payor_disallowance>0 or bt.payor_payment>0)
and (select count(t1u.coverage_plan_id)
from #temp1 t1u where t1u.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no )=0
---third pass- standard coverage for those patients in the file already with other Primary Payers - set count_proc_duration to 0 wont be included in the count
insert into #temp1
select (select report_header from Institution with (nolock))as 'facility',bt.billing_trans_no,bt.patient_id,bt.episode_id,bt.hosp_status_code,bt.billing_proc_code,bt.proc_duration,bt.proc_duration AS 'ITDA',bt.proc_duration AS 'count_ITDA',0 as 'count_proc_duration',bt.duration_type,bt.billing_amt,bt.payor_disallowance,bt.payor_payment,btb.balance_amount, bt.copay_priority, bt.coverage_plan_id,bt.proc_chron, bt.billing_proc_desc, bt.clinic_id,bt.program_id,bt.service_id,bt.protocol_id,bt.clinician_id, s.fname,s.lname,rtrim(s.lname)+', '+s.fname as 'full_name',bt.patient_copay, pct.clinical_transaction_no, '3' as 'extract_type', space(50) as 'patient_name',0000000.00 AS 'payment_amt'
from Billing_Transaction bt with (nolock)
left join Billing_Transaction_Balance btb with (nolock) on btb.billing_trans_no=bt.billing_trans_no
join Staff s with (nolock) on s.staff_id=bt.clinician_id
join Patient_Clin_Tran pct with (nolock) on pct.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no
where pct.is_error<>'Y'
and bt.clin_trans_status='CO'
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)>=convert(varchar(8),@startdt,112)
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)<=convert(varchar(8),@enddt,112)
and bt.copay_priority<=7
--going to get the group of coverages that are standard for the clinical transactions that are already in the file.
and bt.coverage_plan_id='STANDARD'
and (@coverage ='STANDARD_ONLY' or (select count(t1u.coverage_plan_id)
from #temp1 t1u where t1u.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no )>0)
if @coverage ='STANDARD_ONLY'
update #temp1
set count_proc_duration=proc_duration
---fourth pass - get the Patients where the Patient (Standard) is the Primary Payer (Only Payer) and rename coverage to identify
insert into #temp1
select (select report_header from Institution with (nolock))as 'facility',bt.billing_trans_no,bt.patient_id,bt.episode_id,bt.hosp_status_code,bt.billing_proc_code,bt.proc_duration,bt.proc_duration AS 'ITDA',bt.proc_duration AS 'count_ITDA',bt.proc_duration as 'count_proc_duration',bt.duration_type,bt.billing_amt,bt.payor_disallowance,bt.payor_payment,btb.balance_amount, bt.copay_priority, 'PATIENT-PR' as 'coverage_plan_id',bt.proc_chron, bt.billing_proc_desc, bt.clinic_id,bt.program_id,bt.service_id,bt.protocol_id,bt.clinician_id, s.fname,s.lname,rtrim(s.lname)+', '+s.fname as 'full_name',bt.patient_copay, pct.clinical_transaction_no, '4' as 'extract_type', space(50) as 'patient_name',0000000.00 AS 'payment_amt'
from Billing_Transaction bt with (nolock)
left join Billing_Transaction_Balance btb with (nolock) on btb.billing_trans_no=bt.billing_trans_no
join Staff s with (nolock) on s.staff_id=bt.clinician_id
join Patient_Clin_Tran pct with (nolock) on pct.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no
where pct.is_error<>'Y'
and @coverage <>'STANDARD_ONLY'
and (@coverage like '%ALL%' or @coverage like '%PATIENT-PR%' )
and bt.clin_trans_status='CO'
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)>=convert(varchar(8),@startdt,112)
and convert(varchar(8),bt.proc_chron,112)<=convert(varchar(8),@enddt,112)
and bt.copay_priority<=7
--going to get the group of coverages that the standard is the primary payer.
and bt.coverage_plan_id='STANDARD'
and bt.billing_amt>0
and (bt.payor_disallowance>0 or bt.payor_payment>0)
and (select top 1 bt2.coverage_plan_id from Billing_Transaction bt2 with (nolock)
where bt2.clinical_transaction_no=bt.clinical_transaction_no
and bt2.billing_amt>0
and (bt2.payor_disallowance>0 or bt2.payor_payment>0 or bt2.coverage_plan_id='STANDARD')
order by bt.copay_priority)='STANDARD'
update #temp1
set balance_amount=0 where balance_amount is null
--alter the duration to match the expected logic which is:
--For the column ITDA
-----it will contain a 1 if the duration_type is (IT or DA)
-----it will be empty if the duration_type is NOT (IT or DA)
--For the column Dur
-----It will contain the duration value from the clinical transaction if the duration_type is not IT or DA
update #temp1
set ITDA=1, proc_duration=0,count_proc_duration=0,count_ITDA=1 where duration_type='IT' or duration_type='DA'
update #temp1
set ITDA=0, count_ITDA=0 where duration_type<>'IT' and duration_type<>'DA'
update #temp1
set count_proc_duration=0,count_ITDA=0 where coverage_plan_id='STANDARD'
alter TABLE #temp1 ALTER COLUMN payment_amt money
update t1
set t1.payment_amt= (select sum(amount) from billing_ledger bl with (nolock) where bl.billing_trans_no=t1.billing_trans_no and bl.clinical_transaction_no=t1.clinical_transaction_no and subtype='PA') from #temp1 t1
if @incstand<>'Yes'
delete from #temp1 where coverage_plan_id='STANDARD'
update t1
set patient_name=(select rtrim(p.lname)+', '+p.fname from Patient p where p.patient_id=t1.patient_id and p.episode_id=t1.episode_id) from #temp1 t1
update #temp1
set duration_type='' where duration_type='MI'
select @coverage as 'Coverage_Parm',@startdt as 'start',@enddt as 'enddt',* from #temp1 t1
drop table #temp1
grant exec on dbo.psp_19501_extract_financial_data to secure