That setting is determined on the server not the workstation. Logon as a any user and set everything you want as defaults, then log on as administrator, delete the default profile and rename the profile you set the defaults in to Default User.
That would be Ideal if it's possible to make a network printer a "local" printer. The printer that I need to use is a network printer used by multiple workstations. If there is a trick to making a network printer a local printer for appliances I would be grateful for the info.
Citrix has no problems mapping network printers, I've done it with a HP3330 and a HP3380. However RDP has problems and won't map it. To work around that, I install the printer as a network printer like it was designed and share it. Then install a second identical printer on LPT1. Then in the startup folder, I create a small batch file with 2 commands that allows you to clear lpt1 mapping and the second to map lpt1 to the shared network printer. Works like a charm even on USB printers...
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