Is there a way to display the results of a query on a asp page. I've made a query and would like the results to be displayed in a asp page. Is that possible?
Since I dont know how familiar you are to ASP we´ll take it step by step:
1. Run your query like this:
SQL = "Select firstname,lastname from People"
RS.Open SQL,Conn
2. Loop all the records until EOF is true (EOF = End Of File)
[ code to execute, eg. Response.Write(RS("firstname") ]
3. Close RS
The above example works if you have a declared recordset called RS and a databasen connection declared as Conn.
If you have that the code will print all the first names in the table People (my example that is =) )
Whell, I have a qry in access from wich I want the results displayed in a table. I've got a working code, but that is for, and the server on wich it must run doesn.t support, And i'm unsuccesfull of converting the code to ASP. The code is:
Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim strConn as string ="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & server.mappath("\Database\Storingsformulier.mdb" & ";"
Dim strSQL as string ="select * from qry_test"
Dim Conn as New OLEDBConnection(strConn)
Dim Cmd as New OLEDBCommand(strSQL,Conn)
myDataGrid.DataSource = Cmd.ExecuteReader(
End Sub
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