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Hello, I am creating a website w

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Oct 16, 2000

I am creating a website which has to do the following. I want to get information (text) automatically from another website on another server. That information has to come on my own website. I am building my website in ASP in combination with VBScript. And I am using HomeSite to build my website. Now I found out that I can use the Internet Transfer Control. I found this code (or something like this) to do what I want:

Set objInet=CreateObject("InetCtls.Inet")
objInet.Protocol = 4 'HTTP
objInet.AccessType = 1 'Direct connection to internet
objInet.URL = strURL 'The website I want to get the information from
strHTML=objInet.OpenURL 'grab HTML page

But when I want to run my site, I get the following message:

Runtimefout Microsoft VBScript fault '800a01ad'
ActiveX-item can not make the object: 'InetCtl.Inet'
/eigen/lokaaltest.asp, line 43

What am I doing wrong? Do I have to download something?
Or is there another way to get the information from the website? I hope that someone can help me as soon as possible.

Greetz, Ute. :cool: [sig][/sig]
Ute, some thoughts...

A) Try Server.CreateObject rather than CreateObject
B) Do you have the object installed (registered).
C) I'm thinking that the Internet Transfer Control is inet.ocx. This may only work with Visual Basic (could be wrong).
D) You could use IFRAMES/ILAYERS to show another page within your own page.

Hope it helps, [sig]<p>Rob<br><a href=mailto:robschultz@yahoo.com>robschultz@yahoo.com</a><br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br>
"Focus on the solution to the problem,<br>
not the obstacles in the way."<br>
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