Continue on the conversion from VB3 to VB6. Thank you Robert for your help. Now after I opened up the start form, I got a message saying, 'Errors during load. Refer to ‘C:\MyVBProject\Login.log’ for details.
And when I go look at the log file, it says,
'Line 21: Class SSPanel of control Panel3D4 was not a loaded control class.
Line 66: Class SSFrame of control fraHost was not a loaded control class. .
Line 109: Class SSDataOption of control optMode was not a loaded control class. .
Line 155: Class SSDataCombo of control txtAgentID was not a loaded control class.......'
The error messages in the log file goes on and on.
Is there some sites that can explain what these message mean and give some guidance as what/how to resolve them?
Continue on the conversion from VB3 to VB6. Thank you Robert for your help. Now after I opened up the start form, I got a message saying, 'Errors during load. Refer to ‘C:\MyVBProject\Login.log’ for details.
And when I go look at the log file, it says,
'Line 21: Class SSPanel of control Panel3D4 was not a loaded control class.
Line 66: Class SSFrame of control fraHost was not a loaded control class. .
Line 109: Class SSDataOption of control optMode was not a loaded control class. .
Line 155: Class SSDataCombo of control txtAgentID was not a loaded control class.......'
The error messages in the log file goes on and on.
Is there some sites that can explain what these message mean and give some guidance as what/how to resolve them?