Hello, chakrim2001.
I notice that you've posted similar question just a couple of thread away, Thread329-146748. If the answer given there by Link9 is not exactly what you want, rather than opening a new thread, you should post a followup so that any helper can make good a piece of advice or that other can add his/her opinion so that continuity can be preserved.
Use the code below that I keep it as similar as possible as that proposed by Link9.
regards - tsuji
Response.Write user_agent
I notice that you've posted similar question just a couple of thread away, Thread329-146748. If the answer given there by Link9 is not exactly what you want, rather than opening a new thread, you should post a followup so that any helper can make good a piece of advice or that other can add his/her opinion so that continuity can be preserved.
Use the code below that I keep it as similar as possible as that proposed by Link9.
regards - tsuji
Response.Write user_agent