Apologies if the answer to this question is blindingly obvious question but I can't get my head around it at all.
Just started on recordets/vb/access and I'm trying to grasp the difference between table-type recordsets and dynasets. As I understand it, a dynaset recordset is merely a list of pointers (in primary key order if one is present) to records returned from a query or table(s). Surely Jet accesses data through pointers anyway, so does the dynaset consist of a COPY of those pointers held on the same workspace as the project?
As I understand it, a table-type recordset works on the actual table. If a table-type recordset is talking direct to the table why have a refresh property? Surely there should be nothing to refresh if Jet is managing and updating the table. I've also read that when using a table-type recordset VB caches the pointers, well if that's the case, you're not talking direct to the table are you? Is that what happens - the pointers are cached and issuing a refresh simply refreshes those cached pointers. If that is the case - how does this differ from a dynaset!
Very confused
Any recommended sites/books/medical treatments that would help me?
p.s. YES - I do have to understand else it keeps me awake at night….
Apologies if the answer to this question is blindingly obvious question but I can't get my head around it at all.
Just started on recordets/vb/access and I'm trying to grasp the difference between table-type recordsets and dynasets. As I understand it, a dynaset recordset is merely a list of pointers (in primary key order if one is present) to records returned from a query or table(s). Surely Jet accesses data through pointers anyway, so does the dynaset consist of a COPY of those pointers held on the same workspace as the project?
As I understand it, a table-type recordset works on the actual table. If a table-type recordset is talking direct to the table why have a refresh property? Surely there should be nothing to refresh if Jet is managing and updating the table. I've also read that when using a table-type recordset VB caches the pointers, well if that's the case, you're not talking direct to the table are you? Is that what happens - the pointers are cached and issuing a refresh simply refreshes those cached pointers. If that is the case - how does this differ from a dynaset!
Very confused
Any recommended sites/books/medical treatments that would help me?
p.s. YES - I do have to understand else it keeps me awake at night….