Hello all,
(Lotus Notes 5.0.8 Client)
I am helping a remote user troubleshoot a problem. She is typing in addresses that "disappear" or duplicate in her to: and cc: when sending a message.
For example, she types a local e-mail recipient into to: then types a different name into cc: She sends the mail, only to discover that the to: name has been duplicated into the cc: box. Or, she types 3 names into the cc: box to later discover that 1 of the 3 hasn't appeared, and the 2nd name is listed twice.
Even though this is an experienced user, I suspect that this could be either 1) user error or 2) conflicts from her personal address book (or both).
However, to be fair in my approach to the problem, I have been searching for similar problems reported by others - unsuccessfully so far. Perhaps someone else has heard of this problem? Could it be a corruption of her names.nsf? Any ideas will help.
Thank you in advance,