sam samora
Technical User
Hello all, I have a wierd issue with a single line from a Nortel SL-100 switch with call pilot. I removed call forward busy/no answer from going to voicemail and to go to another directory number a simple program however it keeps going to voicemail, I have remove and readded even outed the phone number completely and re added but it sill goes to voicemail dn now call pilot says not suscribed as it should. Any body out there experiece the same issue. I might add that the dn being forward to is a voice tree DN which itself is cfi Active to vmail and part of a servie directory number in Call pilot so apparently the call is ending in voicemail with this call forwarding scenario. they want to be able to have those dn auto forward to the voice tree number vs manually activation but i think it will result in the same thing. any ideas out there I'm not a call pilot guru at all.