I've noticed that the ads for data analysts or report writers for healthcare related jobs nearly always say that they require 5+ years of specific experience in the healthcare industry.
I do send my resume anyway since I have everything else they seem to want. I actually get a pretty good response rate on ads in just about any other industry, regardless of whether or not I have actually worked in that industry. Recruiters occasionally call me for the healthcare jobs, but I have never gotten a response from sending a resume.
So here is the question, what is it about healthcare that makes it so hard to convince them that your SQL, report writing and database skills are transferable?
Is it just that there are so many unemployed people out that that the can be that specific? That doesn't make sense to me because other industries do not seem so cliquey.
Does anyone have any idea why this is or what it is that industry experience adds in this case that is so very critical?
Thank you