I've posted and received a nice solution to an issue I had with SQL Server (see thread thread183-1190923), however now I'm faced with the same issue on Oracle 9i. Here is a summary, the solution for SQL Server, and my attempt in Oracle. Seems like it should work.....
The following SQL Server function works like a charm...
I converted it to Oracle, and I get nothing...
Here are the Selects and what they should return:
There must be some difference in the way functions are handled in the two DBMS's? Don't know. Any assistance would be certainly appreciated. Thanks.
/* I'm trying to get output from a header and detail to display
all of the detail records on the same row as the header record.
The code below is a simplified version of what I'm going for here.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I've come up with some horribly complex
selects within selects etc., but there must be a better way, I'm just
drawing a blank it seems. Thanks.
-- build sample test tables
create table tmp_header (
nbr int primary key,
name varchar(20) null);
insert into tmp_header (nbr,name) values (1001,'joe');
insert into tmp_header (nbr,name) values (1002,'bob');
insert into tmp_header (nbr,name) values (1003,'jim');
create table tmp_detail (
hdrnbr int not null,
cert int not null);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1001,900);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1001,901);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1001,902);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1002,900);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1002,903);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1003,900);
insert into tmp_detail (hdrnbr,cert) values (1003,904);
create table tmp_cert (
cert int primary key,
title varchar(20) null);
insert into tmp_cert (cert,title) values (900,'TI');
insert into tmp_cert (cert,title) values (901,'BA');
insert into tmp_cert (cert,title) values (902,'OC');
insert into tmp_cert (cert,title) values (903,'BK');
insert into tmp_cert (cert,title) values (904,'LV');
/* SQLServer function */
create function gettmp_headerCerts( @nbr int )
returns varchar( 100 )
declare @ret varchar( 100 )
select @ret = coalesce(@ret + ', ', '') + C.title
from tmp_detail D
inner join tmp_cert C on D.cert = C.cert
where D.hdrnbr = @nbr
order by D.cert
return @ret
I converted it to Oracle, and I get nothing...
/* Oracle function */
create or replace function gettmp_headerCerts( nbr IN number )
return varchar2
is retval varchar2(100);
select coalesce(retval || ', ', '') || C.title into retval
from tmp_detail D
inner join tmp_cert C on D.cert = C.cert
where D.hdrnbr = nbr
order by D.cert;
return (retval);
end gettmp_headerCerts;
Here are the Selects and what they should return:
-- old way
tmp_header hdr
join tmp_detail dtl on hdr.nbr = dtl.hdrnbr
join tmp_cert crt on dtl.cert = crt.cert;
/* Here is what I don't want
nbr name cert
1001 joe TI
1001 joe BA
1001 joe OC
1002 bob TI
1002 bob BK
1003 jim TI
1003 jim LV
------ new way
select hdr.nbr,, gettmp_headerCerts(hdr.nbr) as "certs"
from tmp_header hdr
group by hdr.nbr,;
/* This is the output I'm trying to get to, or at least something similar:
nbr name cert
1001 joe TI,BA,OC
1002 bob TI,BK
1003 jim TI,LV
There must be some difference in the way functions are handled in the two DBMS's? Don't know. Any assistance would be certainly appreciated. Thanks.