As simple as this sounds...<br><br>I have a 3COM SuperStack II RAS 1500. After I power-on, or type 'reboot' at the prompt; I am presented with a list of AT commands. There is a pause, and at this time I should be able to enter 'ATH' to halt the boot process. (all this is right from the book).<br><br>Problem is that no matter what I type or what variance (ATH, AT H, ath, at h, etc) I type I receive no response and after about 30 seconds, the router continues with it's diagnostics.<br><br>I have even asked some people who 'know' what they are talking about and they are stumped. I don't think the router is broken or damaged... I simply think I am missing something.<br><br>Thankyou for any help,<br>Chris<br>