This computer is running OS 8.1 and is on a network (Windows Domain). I would like to get it online, and it seems to have all the settings, but I cannot get online. Where do I start checking things. (I know little/nothing about Macs, but would like to learn.)
Are you trying to connect directly (ie. the modem is attached to the Mac)? If so, then you may need to change some settings in your TCP/IP control panel. Usually, you would choose the conect via PPP option in the pull-down menu and have the server automatically assign IP addresses, etc.
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
There is no modem connected to the Mac. It is on a Network that is used primarily for Windows machines. It can AppleTalk to the file server, but cannot get to the internet.
The tcp/ip control panel is where you need to go. If you're using DHCP it should be fine, although in the past I've found it usually works better if you speficy the DNS servers. You can assign it an IP address, gateway, etc. but older macs MUST be on the same class as your router, or they will pitch a fit.
Make sure there is no proxy on your network. Check the internet options on a workig PC, and see if it has any proxy settings. You would want to duplicate those in the Mac's internet control panel. ________
Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
No proxy setting. We have a simple router - firewall - switch connection. The Mac is on the switch with the firewall. This system needs a new battery also. I have to get in there and do some real maintenance. I may just wipe it and start with a fresh install of 8.1. It's a powerMac 8600/300.
It would be worth upgrading to 8.6 if you're going to wipe it anyway That system would also run the last versions of 9.x Replace that battery, some radio shacks carry them, I had to order it at my local one. They can also be found online.
Best of luck,
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