Here is my code:
Sub showKeywords(connobj)
Dim strHTML
Dim rs
Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"
sql = "Select keywords FROM products;"
rs.Open sql, connobj, adOpenForwardOnly,adLockReadOnly,adCmdText
If not rs.EOF then
strHTML = "<META NAME=" & "keywords content="
While Not rs.EOF
strHTML = strHTML & rs("keywords"
strHTML = strHTML & ">"
strHTML = "No keywords found."
End if
Set rs = Nothing
Response.Write strHTML
End Sub
All i am trying to do is take the keywords from my database and ad them to a meta tag. My database has 8 products and it takes the keywords from all eight products instid of the one displayed on the page? How do i make it only use keywords for certain products? Example: If you click on "Car" I want it to get the keywords from the record "Car", field "keywords" and insert them in the meta tag for that page?
This one has me !!
Sub showKeywords(connobj)
Dim strHTML
Dim rs
Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"
sql = "Select keywords FROM products;"
rs.Open sql, connobj, adOpenForwardOnly,adLockReadOnly,adCmdText
If not rs.EOF then
strHTML = "<META NAME=" & "keywords content="
While Not rs.EOF
strHTML = strHTML & rs("keywords"
strHTML = strHTML & ">"
strHTML = "No keywords found."
End if
Set rs = Nothing
Response.Write strHTML
End Sub
All i am trying to do is take the keywords from my database and ad them to a meta tag. My database has 8 products and it takes the keywords from all eight products instid of the one displayed on the page? How do i make it only use keywords for certain products? Example: If you click on "Car" I want it to get the keywords from the record "Car", field "keywords" and insert them in the meta tag for that page?
This one has me !!