I want to display phone no. and fax no. in Page header section for a Customer Contact. Currently I cannot display both at the same time. Here is my table layout.
Table name: t_contact_phone
contact_phone_id (identity field)
phone_type_id (1= Permanent, 2= Temp, 3 = Mobile, 4 =Fax)
Suppose there's a Contact called Tom Jones (contact_id:1234). He has permanent phone (651-272-9282) and fax (651-938-3736).
Then t_contact_phone table will look like:
contact_phone_id: 1
contact_id: 1234
phone_type_id: 1
phone_num_txt: 651-272-9282
contact_phone_id: 2
contact_id: 1234
phone_type_id: 4
phone_num_txt: 651-938-3736
How can I display both phone number and fax number in
the header section for this contact? I will really appreciate your suggestions very much. Thanks.
I tried w/o success the following:
I put phone_num_txt in page header section twice and put following condition for each phone_num_txt field.
To display phone number, I put suppress condition of following:
Then to display fax number, I put suppress condition of following:
It displays the phone number on both fields: 651-272-9282
Table name: t_contact_phone
contact_phone_id (identity field)
phone_type_id (1= Permanent, 2= Temp, 3 = Mobile, 4 =Fax)
Suppose there's a Contact called Tom Jones (contact_id:1234). He has permanent phone (651-272-9282) and fax (651-938-3736).
Then t_contact_phone table will look like:
contact_phone_id: 1
contact_id: 1234
phone_type_id: 1
phone_num_txt: 651-272-9282
contact_phone_id: 2
contact_id: 1234
phone_type_id: 4
phone_num_txt: 651-938-3736
How can I display both phone number and fax number in
the header section for this contact? I will really appreciate your suggestions very much. Thanks.
I tried w/o success the following:
I put phone_num_txt in page header section twice and put following condition for each phone_num_txt field.
To display phone number, I put suppress condition of following:
Then to display fax number, I put suppress condition of following:
It displays the phone number on both fields: 651-272-9282