So I was working on a little task yesterday (thanks Skip!) and I was trying to figure it out on my own. Always fun.
One thing I was trying to get Excel to do was to tell me what column the "focus" was in, or rather what column number the activecell was. I couldn't. I found this on the support site but I wasn't able to make it work:
So, simply, what would be the VBA syntax to get a message box that says "I'm in Column " & intColumnNumber
Same case, what about the row?
The answer is probably in that link but I'm just not capable of interpreting how to implement it correctly.
One thing I was trying to get Excel to do was to tell me what column the "focus" was in, or rather what column number the activecell was. I couldn't. I found this on the support site but I wasn't able to make it work:
So, simply, what would be the VBA syntax to get a message box that says "I'm in Column " & intColumnNumber
Same case, what about the row?
The answer is probably in that link but I'm just not capable of interpreting how to implement it correctly.