I'm running Windows XP SP2 and greater on a HP PAvilion 510w. I know about the capacity limit on the bios and am using a pin setting to ge it to work. Here is the real problem: I used Norton Ghost to ghost my Seagate Drive to a Maxtor Drive. It worked just fine. After chost, I shutdown Windows, and set up Maxtor as Master and Seagate as slave and rebooted. I thought everything looked good, but now I'm getting strange display problems and when I get a Windows error messge such as (Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem) the path to the Windows problem is showing the F: drive, not the C: drive. It looks like Maxtor is assigned the F: drive not C: drive. I think having as operating system on C: and F: is causing some problems. My Bellsouth DSL stopped working. Anyway, how do I get my new Maxtor chosted drive to be the C: drive when I boot up. I would like to remove the seagate drive. Right now I can't seem to boot from either one stand-alone. Have to have both detected.