I have a Compaq presario pentium III that was given to me. It has Windows XP Pro OS.(version 2002) It has a 80 GB hardrve that is partistioned, C system and D.File system NTFS. Since I have had this computer it has always put everything on C, which is now full, (14.65GB). The D partistion is 99% free,(59.85GB). How do I get the D drive partistion to function? I can DSCHK D which it says is good but C has frozen up and won't clean sweep. When I right click on COMPUTER/manage/Disk managment. I get the Harddrive partistion information and it says it is "Healthy on both C & D. I tried FORMAT but stopped at the warning as I'm a computer tech creampuff. It Has a 598MHz cpu and 256MB ram.
Thank you in advance and if more info is needed let me know and I will get right back to you. GGunnarr
Thank you in advance and if more info is needed let me know and I will get right back to you. GGunnarr