Private Declare Function apiGetVolumeInformation Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" _
(ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, _
lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, lpFileSystemFlags As Long, _
ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long
Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
Function fSerialNumber(strDriveLetter As String) As String
' Function to return the serial number for a hard drive
' Accepts:
' strDriveLetter - a valid drive letter for the PC, in the format "C:\"
' Returns:
' The serial number for the drive, formatted as "xxxx-xxxx"
Dim lngReturn As Long, lngDummy1 As Long, lngDummy2 As Long, lngSerial As Long
Dim strDummy1 As String, strDummy2 As String, strSerial As String
strDummy1 = Space(MAX_PATH)
strDummy2 = Space(MAX_PATH)
lngReturn = apiGetVolumeInformation(strDriveLetter, strDummy1, Len(strDummy1), lngSerial, lngDummy1, lngDummy2, strDummy2, Len(strDummy2))
strSerial = Trim(Hex(lngSerial))
strSerial = String(8 - Len(strSerial), "0" & strSerial
strSerial = Left(strSerial, 4) & "-" & Right(strSerial, 4)
fSerialNumber = strSerial
End Function
Good luck! Anthony J. DeSalvo
President - ScottTech Software
"Integrating Technology with Business"
Sub ShowDriveInfo(drvpath)
Dim fs, d, t
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set d = fs.GetDrive(fs.GetDriveName(fs.GetAbsolutePathName(drvpath)))
s = "Drive " & d.DriveLetter & ": - " & t
s = d.SerialNumber
MsgBox s
End Sub
Paste this into the click event of a Button on the same Form:
all the options worked great! Thank you to all of you.
One more question. Let's say: I get the serial number
for the hard disk where I installed my msaccess application
and I want it to work only in that Hard Disk. The hard disk serial I retrieve is 940839428 and I want to ensure it will
only work if the serial number I input (Somewhere) matches
with the hard disks'. Is this possible? I hope you understand what I want to do. Thank you in advanced.
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