I’m new to the posting if the form communities and hesitant to insult the talent I have seen posted here and interested in learning to help others in the process.
Attachmate Reflection Suite for X 14.0.6029
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS
Version 14.0.6 build 687 32-bit
Have Date range calculator within Reflections- with following result.
30 Day As follows: [11/04-12/3/2014 Inclusive]
Objective- Calculate Narcotic Date Range within Reflections – Using String variable from screen.
Refills and Number of Refiilsfrom from the screen
Dim numRefills As String
Dim daySupply As String
CurDat ‘Current Date by Default or users own.
numRefills ’ Number of Refills Defaults to 30 Day; for Class II Narcotics or User Defined.
daySupply ‘ Default to 30 ‘for Class II Narcotics or User Defined.
This side of having a dynamic screen scrapping table this is my attempt to find my answer.
Code is looking for:
of Refills:
[code='************************* Number of Refills **********************************************
' .WaitForString "Select Action" 'so that the boxes don't appear before the screen is showing
.Wait "00:00:01"
.StatusBar = "searching list for Number of Refills" ' searches the list for rosuvastatin
.Transmit "SL" & CR 'search list
.Transmit "of Refills: " & CR
Select Case .Parent.Application.WaitForStrings(arraySrchNumRefill)
Case (1)
.Transmit "+" & CR 'b/c says press return to continue
Case (2)
.Transmit "N" & CR 'says no to continuing search
‘>>> Code Hangs
‘>>> 'PROBLEM HERE DOES NOT 'Transmit N - "Screen continues to display
‘Find Next ‘of Refills: ‘ ? Yes//
End Select
'********* Screenscraping for Number of Refills *********
.Wait "00:00:01"
Found = .FindText("of Refills: ", 0, 0)
‘>>> jumps to this line
snumRefills = Session.GetText(5, 22, 5, 23) 'x,y Cordinates for txt A ext
MsgBox snumRefills 'Verify txt numRefills is valid
If Not Found Then '# of Refills
MsgBox "Number of Refills Not Found, exiting macro."
Exit Sub
Else 'found # of Refills
MsgBox numRefills 'Verify txt valid and will now convert to integer
numRefills = snumRefills * 1
End If
Code is hanging on the on code above >>>>>
Any Suggestions
Attachmate Reflection Suite for X 14.0.6029
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS
Version 14.0.6 build 687 32-bit
Have Date range calculator within Reflections- with following result.
30 Day As follows: [11/04-12/3/2014 Inclusive]
Objective- Calculate Narcotic Date Range within Reflections – Using String variable from screen.
Refills and Number of Refiilsfrom from the screen
Dim numRefills As String
Dim daySupply As String
CurDat ‘Current Date by Default or users own.
numRefills ’ Number of Refills Defaults to 30 Day; for Class II Narcotics or User Defined.
daySupply ‘ Default to 30 ‘for Class II Narcotics or User Defined.
This side of having a dynamic screen scrapping table this is my attempt to find my answer.
Code is looking for:
of Refills:
[code='************************* Number of Refills **********************************************
' .WaitForString "Select Action" 'so that the boxes don't appear before the screen is showing
.Wait "00:00:01"
.StatusBar = "searching list for Number of Refills" ' searches the list for rosuvastatin
.Transmit "SL" & CR 'search list
.Transmit "of Refills: " & CR
Select Case .Parent.Application.WaitForStrings(arraySrchNumRefill)
Case (1)
.Transmit "+" & CR 'b/c says press return to continue
Case (2)
.Transmit "N" & CR 'says no to continuing search
‘>>> Code Hangs
‘>>> 'PROBLEM HERE DOES NOT 'Transmit N - "Screen continues to display
‘Find Next ‘of Refills: ‘ ? Yes//
End Select
'********* Screenscraping for Number of Refills *********
.Wait "00:00:01"
Found = .FindText("of Refills: ", 0, 0)
‘>>> jumps to this line
snumRefills = Session.GetText(5, 22, 5, 23) 'x,y Cordinates for txt A ext
MsgBox snumRefills 'Verify txt numRefills is valid
If Not Found Then '# of Refills
MsgBox "Number of Refills Not Found, exiting macro."
Exit Sub
Else 'found # of Refills
MsgBox numRefills 'Verify txt valid and will now convert to integer
numRefills = snumRefills * 1
End If
Code is hanging on the on code above >>>>>
Any Suggestions