I use the following code with the yahoo search api:
I am getting an error, presumable because of an ampersand with whitespace that is in one of the results, see specific error below: (notice the ampersand in title?_)
code: -1072896749
Linea/Col: 51/99
txt: How to download CBC's technology show Quirks & Quarks to your iPod.
so, how can I handle this? (i dont really even need the title - but if i did, is there a way to ahndle it? is there a way not to return the title at all?
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim mysearch, mypage, pageinc, xml, objNodeList, objNode, objNode2
mypage = Request.QueryString("p")
if mypage=0 then mypage = 1
<title>Yahoo! Web Search API In ASP</title>
<form method="GET" action="websearch.asp">
<b>Yahoo! Web Search:</b><br>
<input type="text" name="q" maxlength=256 size=40 value='<%=mysearch%>' size=15><input type="submit" value="Search!"></form><br>
<% if mysearch<>"" then
Dim Url
Url = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://api.search.yahoo.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?appid=someappid&query="[/URL] & Server.URLEncode(mysearch) & "&results=50&start=" & mypage
Set XML = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
XML.async = false
XML.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
XML.validateOnParse = false
XML.preserveWhiteSpace = false
If Not XML.Load(Url) Then
Response.write "<P>ERROR<br>code: " & _
XML.parseError.errorCode & _
"<br>Linea/Col: " & _
XML.parseError.line & "/" & _
XML.parseError.linepos & "</P><br /><p>" & _
XML.parseError.srcText & "</P>"
Dim rTitle, rSummary, rUrl, rClickUrl, rMimeType, rModDate, rCache
Set objNodeList = XML.getElementsByTagName("Result")
For Each objNode In objNodeList
For Each objNode2 In objNode.childNodes
Select Case objNode2.nodeName
Case "Title"
rTitle = objNode2.text
Case "Summary"
rSummary = objNode2.text
Case "Url"
rUrl = objNode2.text
Case "ClickUrl"
rClickUrl = objNode2.text
Case "MimeType"
rMimeType = objNode2.text
Case "ModificationDate"
rModDate = objNode2.text
Case "Cache"
rCache = objNode2.text
End Select
' rURL can contain more than one URL seperated by spaces
if InStr(rURL," ")>0 then rURL = Left(rURL,InStr(rURL," ")-1)
response.write("<table border=0><tr><td><a href='" & rClickUrl & "'>" & rTitle & "</a><br>" & rSummary & "<br><font color='gray'>Date: " & DateAdd("s", rModDate, "01/01/1970 00:00:00") & " | <a style='color: gray;' href='" & rCache & "'>Cache</a> | MimeType: " & rMimeType & "</font></td></tr></table><br>")
set objNodeList = Nothing
end if
set xml = nothing
if mypage>1 then
response.write("<a href=?q=" & Server.URLEncode(mysearch) & "&p=" & cstr(mypage-50))
response.write("><b><<< Previous Page</b></a> | ")
end if
if pageinc=>16 then
response.write("<a href=?q=" & Server.URLEncode(mysearch) & "&p=" & cstr(mypage+50))
response.write("><b>Next Page >>></b></a>")
end if
<br>powered by Yahoo! Search
<% end if %>
I am getting an error, presumable because of an ampersand with whitespace that is in one of the results, see specific error below: (notice the ampersand in title?_)
code: -1072896749
Linea/Col: 51/99
txt: How to download CBC's technology show Quirks & Quarks to your iPod.
so, how can I handle this? (i dont really even need the title - but if i did, is there a way to ahndle it? is there a way not to return the title at all?