Technical User
Recently I started working with net-snmp and I figured out some basic stuff. I got stuck at handling traps.
So far I've configured snmptrapd.conf so that I can handle simple traps that I send, using form like:
traphandle MIB-MODULE-NAME
bject echo "trap received"
I send and receive traps on localhost.
This works just fine and I can see the result in terminal when I run snmptrapd with "-Lo" option. I don't see the result in that terminal where I send the traps (using snmptrap -v2c -c...). I also can't get trap deamon output like the one seen in this tutorial:
That is my main issue. Actually what I want is to take object's value from object that I bind with the trap. For example:
snmptra -v2c -c public localhost '' SOME-MIB::Object OTHER-MIB::ObjectString s "Something!"
I want that "Something"
And yes, I've really tried searching for this, but couldn't figure out how to get my trap deamon to show me that the trap is received (and I know that it is because traphandle works just fine)
Thank you for any help!
Recently I started working with net-snmp and I figured out some basic stuff. I got stuck at handling traps.
So far I've configured snmptrapd.conf so that I can handle simple traps that I send, using form like:
traphandle MIB-MODULE-NAME
I send and receive traps on localhost.
This works just fine and I can see the result in terminal when I run snmptrapd with "-Lo" option. I don't see the result in that terminal where I send the traps (using snmptrap -v2c -c...). I also can't get trap deamon output like the one seen in this tutorial:
That is my main issue. Actually what I want is to take object's value from object that I bind with the trap. For example:
snmptra -v2c -c public localhost '' SOME-MIB::Object OTHER-MIB::ObjectString s "Something!"
I want that "Something"
Thank you for any help!