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Handles on graphic 1

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Jan 28, 2003

I've created a logo with the pen tool, which I've also used to "bend" the object. Problem I have is that I seem to be stuck with "handles" from where I applied the bends - is there anyway of not showing these?


If I understand what you are describing... those are probably the 'control handles' that determine the curvature at that point on the curve... they will not print or reproduce. However, if you push V (for selection tool) and click 'off' of the logo and they do not disappear (unselect) then they are something else.

If you are interested in Hiding the control handles: Toggle their visibility with: Ctrl+H

I would check out your file, but the link is not complete, or is broken. Can you post it again.?

It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
CTRL H seems to almost hide them completely, but they are still visible when I copy into Word (to create a letterhead).

I'm not sure but they seem to look like guides. Try VIEW>GUIDES>CLEAR GUIDES to see if that gets rid of them.

Just on another topic, it's not really good practice to copy and paste to Word. You should export your Illustrator document as .tiff (or other) and use INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE to place it in Word. (Sorry for the cheeky advice you didn't ask for!!!!)
Thanks for the help and advice. As it happens, I was only copying and pasting for speed. The final version will be exported/imported.

I'll have to try this evening.


Well, I hope BlueMonkey hit on the answer... because I still cannot use the link you posted...(404)

If you put it up again and still need help, I'll check back this afternoon.

Good luck.

It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
I'm still having problems unfortunately.

I have changed the style for the logo, so hopefully it better illustrates the problem (those vertical and horizontal lines/handles in the top left and top right corners).


Can you upload the .ai file to your web server and post the link, then we can take a proper look at it?
Right... we need the .AI

If you used the 'dashed' line settings for a normal stroke, the you should just trim back the excess, but since it sounds like that is difficult, you may have some other things specified that are interfering, or concealing the real issue.

1. Ctrl+Shift+G and Ctrl+Alt+7 & 8 will ungroup, unclip, uncompound that path and may reveal other object parts.

Also, the corners you are speaking of need to be 'continuous' in order to join correctly (this is what I be the problem is.)

2. After step 1, cut both end bits 'off' with the scissors tool, so they both end at a point (or nearly.)

3. Then push A on the keyboard for the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) then drag a box around the two overlapping (but unjoined) end pts.

4. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J will do a Join and Average, join makes the path continous, and if repeated all around a shape, will 'close' the path. Average moves the points to an average of their two positions before it joins.

If you can't see the extra bits (handles, as you say) on screen though, to perform these steps, you'll need to figure out what is hiding or modifying them, (use step 1 to get rid of most common strangenesses)

To do anything more though, we'll need to see the .ai!

It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
If I post the AI file on my web, do you know if you'll be able to download it? Will it be easier if I mail it to you too?

OK - if you can wait until about another 90 minutes or so, because I'm at work. Your help is really, really appreciated.

As an aside - what's the easiest way of creating beams of light - similar to

You'd need something like Photoshop for that effect, probably using the radial blur tool among others.
Oh, I my last post DIDN"T in fact make it up for some reason...

blueark's right on:

1. I'd take a larger white semi-transparent shape of the lions and logo, Radial blur it in the Zoom mode.

2. Adding noise before the zoom may increase the 'beams' effect

3. Lay one of these layers behind the actual logos, and one in front.

4. With a sharp mask or selection from the OUTLINE of the logos (as well as any holes) (Ctrl+ click the layer, if there are already trans. areas) Erase most of the top white blur layer, revealing the logo under entirely... EXCEPT, in a few areas where the light ray would be streaming OUT of a hole and pass over the logo... leave these, as it will increase the realism. Perhaps also paste in, or draw in a few streaks by hand.

5. Using a soft brush with a Coloring mode, tint areas of the white light to yellow, or other hue.


It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
Control handles are the issue.

Control handles from the previous points on the path were pulled out past the corner points, causing the path to go out past the corner and then back in such a way that they appeared as a straight line.

and after:

I fixed the top logo posted here:
but why don't you work on the second one yourself? If you're interested in an excercise... All the tools you'll need are contained under the Pen tool (p) and Adobe Help provides plenty of instruction for modifying paths.

Some tips:

Work in Outline mode on occassion: Ctrl+Y to see what your paths are REALLY doing.
Instead of covering up things with white boxes or boxes of any kind... modify the actual shapes themselves with the pen tool and its many other fuctions.

Borders: When creating a border with an inner/outer shape, instead of scaling a copy down, (which doesn't create an inner path equidistant from the original at all points,) use Object > Path > Offset Path to some specified distance ( I used -.125".) A Negative puts the offset path 'inside,' positive : outside. Sometimes the difference is subtle, but noticable
Stroke a path the thickness of your desired border, and then Object > Path > Outline stroke.


It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
Control handles are the issue.

Control handles from the previous points on the path were pulled out past the corner points, causing the path to go out past the corner and then back in such a way that they appeared as a straight line.

and after:

I fixed the top logo posted here:
but why don't you work on the second one yourself? If you're interested in an excercise... All the tools you'll need are contained under the Pen tool (p) and Adobe Help provides plenty of instruction for modifying paths.

Some tips:

Work in Outline mode on occassion: Ctrl+Y to see what your paths are REALLY doing.
Instead of covering up things with white boxes or boxes of any kind... modify the actual shapes themselves with the pen tool and its many other fuctions.

Borders: When creating a border with an inner/outer shape, instead of scaling a copy down, (which doesn't create an inner path equidistant from the original at all points,) use Object > Path > Offset Path to some specified distance ( I used -.125".) A Negative puts the offset path 'inside,' positive : outside. Sometimes the difference is subtle, but noticable
Stroke a path the thickness of your desired border, and then Object > Path > Outline stroke.


It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
Thanks a million Triska. But I'm not 100% sure that the posting on your site has been modified. Can you double check please.

I originally wanted to use a stroke as you suggested, but the control handles were obviously causing a problem with this - hence the original posting!

Thanks again

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