Is it impossible to handle single and double quotations in a string?
PHV brought up a pretty tricky situation in thread705-860086
I have a similar situation and can't find a way to make it work.
I've tried using a combination of the DQ variable and PHV's Replace() function to no avail.
Example: The user enters: she's going to say, "Hello"
I'm going to run DoCmd.RunSQL in place of strTest if I can get this working.
PHV brought up a pretty tricky situation in thread705-860086
I have a similar situation and can't find a way to make it work.
I've tried using a combination of the DQ variable and PHV's Replace() function to no avail.
Example: The user enters: she's going to say, "Hello"
Private Sub Cmd_OK_Click()
Dim x As String
Dim xString As String
Dim DQ As String
Dim strTest As String
If IsNull(TB_Comment) Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo err_handler
xString = TB_Comment
DQ = """"
With Form_Frm_SOF
If Cmd_OK.Caption = "Add" Then
"VALUES ('" & .L_MF.Caption & .L_FY.Caption & .L_FM.Caption & "'," & DQ & Replace(xString, "'", "''") & DQ & ",'" & Now() & "','" & CurrentUser() & "');"
Debug.Print strTest