I am writing a program in LAPI(java).
My problem may be trivial to you. But I am looking for a solution and I appreciate your help.
I have a category that will be attached to a document and this document has to be uploaded in livelink.
I have a problem to solve here. I have a popup text type as an attribute which is a mandatory field, which has a set of valid values. But if the user enters a value that is not in the list of valid values, then also this category has to be attached to the document and uploaded into livelink.
I am pasting my code here
Could you please search for "See the piece of code below"
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DateFormat.*;
import com.opentext.api.*; //import LAPI objects
//lapi.jar should be available in classpath
import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger.*;
public class AddDocumentWCategory
static Category cat = Category.getInstance(AddDocumentWCategory.class.getName());
private static String Server = "hqp-as-llapdv01"; //livelink host
private static int Port = 2099; //livelink server port see opentext.ini
private static String DFT = ""; //default database file or schema
private static String User = "Admin"; //username
private static String Pass = "livelink"; //passwd
public static void main (String args[])
LLSession session;
session = new LLSession (Server, Port, DFT, User, Pass);
doc = new LAPI_DOCUMENTS (session);
LAPI_ATTRIBUTES attributes= new LAPI_ATTRIBUTES (session);
//Grab some value objects
LLValue entInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue createInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue objectInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue versionInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
//Category stuff
LLValue catID = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue catVersion = new LLValue();
LLValue attrValues = new LLValue().setList();
LLValue defaultValues = new LLValue().setList();
int status;
LLValue objID = new LLValue().setAssoc();
LLValue attrValPath = new LLValue();
LLValue categories = new LLValue().setList();
LLValue cRequest = new LLValue().setAssoc();
LLValue extData = new LLValue().setAssoc();
LLValue attrInfo = new LLValue();
int volumeID=0;
int objectID=0;
int docObjectID=0;
cat.info("Starting this batch");
if(doc.AccessEnterpriseWS(entInfo) != 0)
System.out.println("AccessEnterpriseWS Failed.");
cat.error("Accessing Enterprise workspace failed");
//Grab the info from entInfo
volumeID = entInfo.toInteger("VolumeID");
objectID = entInfo.toInteger("ID");
catID.add("ID", 255917);
catID.add("Version", 3);
//Use the catID to fetch the category Version
if (doc.FetchCategoryVersion(catID, catVersion) != 0)
System.out.println("FetchCategoryVersion Failed.");
cat.error("FetchCategoryVersion Failed.");
//See the piece of code below
attrValues.add("test"); //test is not a valid value
// attrValues.add("3-Pending"); This is in the Valid values list
//But if user enters a value test, for such invalid values I had put a value “XXX” in the list of valid values. So here I should be able to attach “XXX” as the attribute value, attach the category successfully and upload the document successfully
if (attr.AttrSetValues(catVersion, "Status", attr.ATTR_DATAVALUES, attrValPath, attrValues) != 0)
System.out.println("AttrSetValues Failed here.");
cat.error("Status attrsetvalue failed");
categories.add( catVersion );
//Fill createInfo to spec (see documentation for the structure)
cRequest.add("Comment", "");
createInfo.add("request", cRequest);
createInfo.add("extendedData", extData);
createInfo.add("Categories", categories);
if(doc.CreateObjectEx(volumeID, objectID, doc.OBJECTTYPE,
doc.DOCUMENTSUBTYPE, "logfile.txt", createInfo, objectInfo) != 0)
cat.error("Create object failed");
System.out.println("CreateObjectEx Failed.");
System.out.println("Status Code: " + session.getStatus());
System.out.println("Api Error: " + session.getApiError());
System.out.println("Error Message: " + session.getErrMsg());
cat.error("Error Message: " + session.getErrMsg());
System.out.println("Status Message: " + session.getStatusMessage());
// return;
System.out.println("Document Object created successfully:Next we have to add a version to complete it");
docObjectID = objectInfo.toInteger("ID");
//Now upload version to complete document creation
if(doc.CreateVersion(volumeID, docObjectID, "c:\\temp\\tlist.txt", versionInfo) != 0)
System.out.println("CreateVersion Failed.be sure to remove the 0 byte stub in livelink if this happens");
System.out.println("Version created successfully");
System.out.println("out of if");
}catch(Exception ex) {
cat.error("in catch");
System.out.println("in catch "+ex);
} //Main ends
}//Class ends
I appreciate your help.
I am writing a program in LAPI(java).
My problem may be trivial to you. But I am looking for a solution and I appreciate your help.
I have a category that will be attached to a document and this document has to be uploaded in livelink.
I have a problem to solve here. I have a popup text type as an attribute which is a mandatory field, which has a set of valid values. But if the user enters a value that is not in the list of valid values, then also this category has to be attached to the document and uploaded into livelink.
I am pasting my code here
Could you please search for "See the piece of code below"
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DateFormat.*;
import com.opentext.api.*; //import LAPI objects
//lapi.jar should be available in classpath
import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger.*;
public class AddDocumentWCategory
static Category cat = Category.getInstance(AddDocumentWCategory.class.getName());
private static String Server = "hqp-as-llapdv01"; //livelink host
private static int Port = 2099; //livelink server port see opentext.ini
private static String DFT = ""; //default database file or schema
private static String User = "Admin"; //username
private static String Pass = "livelink"; //passwd
public static void main (String args[])
LLSession session;
session = new LLSession (Server, Port, DFT, User, Pass);
doc = new LAPI_DOCUMENTS (session);
LAPI_ATTRIBUTES attributes= new LAPI_ATTRIBUTES (session);
//Grab some value objects
LLValue entInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue createInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue objectInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue versionInfo = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
//Category stuff
LLValue catID = (new LLValue()).setAssocNotSet();
LLValue catVersion = new LLValue();
LLValue attrValues = new LLValue().setList();
LLValue defaultValues = new LLValue().setList();
int status;
LLValue objID = new LLValue().setAssoc();
LLValue attrValPath = new LLValue();
LLValue categories = new LLValue().setList();
LLValue cRequest = new LLValue().setAssoc();
LLValue extData = new LLValue().setAssoc();
LLValue attrInfo = new LLValue();
int volumeID=0;
int objectID=0;
int docObjectID=0;
cat.info("Starting this batch");
if(doc.AccessEnterpriseWS(entInfo) != 0)
System.out.println("AccessEnterpriseWS Failed.");
cat.error("Accessing Enterprise workspace failed");
//Grab the info from entInfo
volumeID = entInfo.toInteger("VolumeID");
objectID = entInfo.toInteger("ID");
catID.add("ID", 255917);
catID.add("Version", 3);
//Use the catID to fetch the category Version
if (doc.FetchCategoryVersion(catID, catVersion) != 0)
System.out.println("FetchCategoryVersion Failed.");
cat.error("FetchCategoryVersion Failed.");
//See the piece of code below
attrValues.add("test"); //test is not a valid value
// attrValues.add("3-Pending"); This is in the Valid values list
//But if user enters a value test, for such invalid values I had put a value “XXX” in the list of valid values. So here I should be able to attach “XXX” as the attribute value, attach the category successfully and upload the document successfully
if (attr.AttrSetValues(catVersion, "Status", attr.ATTR_DATAVALUES, attrValPath, attrValues) != 0)
System.out.println("AttrSetValues Failed here.");
cat.error("Status attrsetvalue failed");
categories.add( catVersion );
//Fill createInfo to spec (see documentation for the structure)
cRequest.add("Comment", "");
createInfo.add("request", cRequest);
createInfo.add("extendedData", extData);
createInfo.add("Categories", categories);
if(doc.CreateObjectEx(volumeID, objectID, doc.OBJECTTYPE,
doc.DOCUMENTSUBTYPE, "logfile.txt", createInfo, objectInfo) != 0)
cat.error("Create object failed");
System.out.println("CreateObjectEx Failed.");
System.out.println("Status Code: " + session.getStatus());
System.out.println("Api Error: " + session.getApiError());
System.out.println("Error Message: " + session.getErrMsg());
cat.error("Error Message: " + session.getErrMsg());
System.out.println("Status Message: " + session.getStatusMessage());
// return;
System.out.println("Document Object created successfully:Next we have to add a version to complete it");
docObjectID = objectInfo.toInteger("ID");
//Now upload version to complete document creation
if(doc.CreateVersion(volumeID, docObjectID, "c:\\temp\\tlist.txt", versionInfo) != 0)
System.out.println("CreateVersion Failed.be sure to remove the 0 byte stub in livelink if this happens");
System.out.println("Version created successfully");
System.out.println("out of if");
}catch(Exception ex) {
cat.error("in catch");
System.out.println("in catch "+ex);
} //Main ends
}//Class ends
I appreciate your help.