I would like to create what is sometimes called a "Hammock" task, because it hangs between two points.
Specifically, I would like to have the start and end of the task (hence, it's duration) driven by predecessor relationships to other tasks. The units would be fixed, the duration is determined by the duration of the other tasks, and the work is calculated.
My purpose is to capture the cost of an oversight task, and to let project calculate that cost based on the duration of other tasks.
So, Task1 would be the oversight task. Task2 and Task3 would be the work tasks. Task1 would be fixed units, and would have the predecessors of 2SS,3FF.
Task 1 |==========================|
Task 2 |==========| |
Task 3 |===============|
(Hopefully this is clear - I can't get these to line up exactly due to the proportional font, and it may render differently in your browser - the idea is that task3 starts at the end of task 2, and task1 is the duration of task2 and task 3 together (like a summary task, but with it's own resource units and work calculation))
I can't get MSProject to behave this way, but I'm assuming it's a fairly common requirement. Is this possible?
I'm using professional 2003, non-server.
I would like to create what is sometimes called a "Hammock" task, because it hangs between two points.
Specifically, I would like to have the start and end of the task (hence, it's duration) driven by predecessor relationships to other tasks. The units would be fixed, the duration is determined by the duration of the other tasks, and the work is calculated.
My purpose is to capture the cost of an oversight task, and to let project calculate that cost based on the duration of other tasks.
So, Task1 would be the oversight task. Task2 and Task3 would be the work tasks. Task1 would be fixed units, and would have the predecessors of 2SS,3FF.
Task 1 |==========================|
Task 2 |==========| |
Task 3 |===============|
(Hopefully this is clear - I can't get these to line up exactly due to the proportional font, and it may render differently in your browser - the idea is that task3 starts at the end of task 2, and task1 is the duration of task2 and task 3 together (like a summary task, but with it's own resource units and work calculation))
I can't get MSProject to behave this way, but I'm assuming it's a fairly common requirement. Is this possible?
I'm using professional 2003, non-server.