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Half Answered, NS v4.61 taking over 90% CPU

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Mar 15, 1999
I have two boxes with Linux. One has RH 5.2, Pentium 100Mhz and the other is a AMD K2 350Mhz running RH 6.0. Was commparing files between the two, trying to figure out why the 350Mhz box randomly appears to slow to a crawl, when I noticed something really out of place. The 100Mhz box was showing approx. 6% CPU usage and the 350Mhz box was showing close to 98% CPU usage. Both were running X with Gnome/Enlightenment, Netscape, and the Gnome Monitor. To say the least I almost had a cow.<br>
After investigating I noticed that the 350Mhz box had two PID's for netscape-comm, with one of them getting 92%+ of the CPU. The 100Mhx box runs NS Comm v4.08 and the 350Mhx box runs v4.61, thinking the different versions were the culpret I was about to remove the v4.61 and put on the older one when I noticed that suhting down Netscape only removed one of the PID's. The process using the 92%+ was still running. I shut down X completly and listed the processes and sure enough there was still a process running netscape-comm, trying to kill or TERM it wouldn't get rid of it. I finally got it to quit by using;<br>
kill -s 9 (pid) &lt;&lt;with '(pid)' being the listed PID for netscape-comm<br>
Now the CPU usage returned to normal and when I stated X back up and was browsing with 6 different browser windows at the same time and running several other programs the CPU usage never got much above 20% average, it would jump up sometimes but dropped in a second or two. <br>
Then NS crashed, I had to use the 'anialite' option to even kill the windows. I shut down X and removed the lock file from my .netscape directory. Went back to X and the 92%+ CPU usage for netscape-comm was back with nothing but X running. Apparently when NS crashes it leaves the process still trying to figure out what to go do with itself, it takes all of the CPU it can to do this and will not release it till you reboot or do the above mentioned kill.<br>
I downloaded the v4.61 in tar.gz form from NS and forced it to install over the previous installation. It will still crash sometimes and have to have the process forceably killed but it doesn't crash near as often as before. I guess next I'll try completly removing the RPM installation and using the tar.gz install exclusivly.<br>
I'm still a little new to Linux so I would like to know if anybody knows what is going on and why this keeps happening?<br>
Is this a NS bug or something normal I've just never encountered before?<br>
After learning a little Linux I've found I really hate having to ReBoot.<br>
Have Fun :)<br>
I've noticed similar things with NS on my P90 pc, running<br>
RH 6.0 (now, was 5.2)<br>
I think it's 'just' a problem with NS being to dumb to know<br>
that it has crashed... &lt;g&gt;<br>
The first thing I do when NS dies, is to send it's PID the kill signal (kill -s 9 &lt;PID&gt;) as you did.<br>
It works, and no reboot required! :)<br>
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