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hailstorm 1

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Dec 28, 2000
microsoft new hailstrom what does every body thing is this microsoft doing what it did with ie trying to to kill netscape with sun. So long and thanks for all the fish.
From my understanding, HailStorm is out to compete (crush) AOL. Could this be MSN - The Next Generation? Oh, pleeeease...

X-) Bill

"When I go. I want to go like Grandpa, peacefully in my sleep. Not screaming in terror like his passengers"
I think the key phrase would be "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

We've seen it all before: huge power structure seeks global domination... little guys fight back with teeth and nails. Hmmm, a bit of irony here when you consider the intended "victims".

Klatu barada nikto, y'all.
I have always found AOL to be offense, like the whiney little fat kid who owned the football and wouldnt let you play unless he was the Captain.

If AOL were to eat it and die, so much the better.

What am I missing here. Seriously, I lay my naivete on the line.

Ivan In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
i agree aol is that kid but microsoft is the school bully who come in takes the ball and every bodys lunch money. it seem to me like microsoft wrote ie to get control over internet it did not work quite like they planed they got some control over what we do, but hailstrom blocks us from the free internet it now the microsoft internet i don't want to it i am just looking at it wrong So long and thanks for all the fish.
128-bit encryption just doesn't make the cut anymore. Hackers will be forced to exploit the obvious vulnerabilities rather than searching for a challenge.

&quot;Oh no! It's a door! <Curses!> I wonder what will happen if I open it and walk inside?&quot;

Who gets paid to dream up schemes like Hailstorm? On the purely objective side, why aren't they subject to mandatory drug testing?

Klatu barada nikto, y'all.
Hmmm. Everyone's at it. Even Citrix.

Note the headline &quot;Citrix to acquire Sequoia&quot;.

Sequoia XPS meets Metaframe XPs/a/e to work on Windows XP.

XP? or BS?

I don't think M$ is actually being very selective on excatly which drugs they are testing...

(or is that 'testing for'? - No, stick with the first one)

:p Bill

&quot;Resistance is Futile, Negotiation is Irrelevent&quot;
thats thing because microsoft say its good it froces them to go along and hope microsoft does not trun it head at them as there next target. user will do what people tell them. i think the intenet is in a lot of troble when it happens it become the microsoftnet So long and thanks for all the fish.
If people stop thinking, mankind is lost. Please teach people to think, otherwise they are being controlled. Thinking, indead, is something you can learn, and unfortunately unlearn without noticing it.

Pleople didn't think in the nazi age, do they nowadays? (I am German, and I compare these two consciously) :-|

I think one of the biggest challenge of our so called information age is to learn to think. Because thinking is being killed by too much information.

Good point...and thanks for the focus. Author William Faulkner wrote &quot;Mankind will not endure, he will prevail&quot;.

We indeed have access to too much information and a lot of the thinking / decision making process is to parse the information available down to what we really need. To do this we have to make decisions (pretty scary for a lot of people).

At Harvard University the course load, exams, and projects require reading assignments that are impossible to complete. One is educated in selective reading. Looking at the problem, and the reading required, and making some descisions about what to read and when.

Ivan In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
This is indeed a serious subject that warrants serious thought and consideration, something that I am aware of not yet having adequately addressed to it. But it is reassuring that some others seem to be aware of its significance.
Having been in this business (IT) for a very long time, I have a sense of deja vu; this is the situation that arose with IBM a few years ago. They had a virtual monopoly of corporate computing until various movements arose to loosen their grip: Gene Amdahl with compatible mainframes (although that arguably strengthened them), various Open Systems activities (eg Unix, TCP/IP) and even Microsoft with Windows. IBM tried to &quot;own&quot; everything they could, at one stage.
Are Microsoft the new IBM? And will the Opensource movement be enough to deter them? ;o(
Hi mrsurrender - True, true, true, about &quot;... otherwise they are being controlled.&quot;

But guess what! This is called the history of humankind. Ever since prehistoric man reared his ugly head and cowered under thunder and lightning, some bright ancestor pretended he knew more about what was going on than the rest, and, through charismatic mysticism, convinced them that he was right. He then tasted the power this status afforded him and liked it. After that, the die was cast - the only way to maintain his position was to keep the masses from finding out that he was really a fraud. All organized and disorganized religions are examples of this. Governments, too. Economic trade leaders as well. It's in their unenlightened self-interest to keep the masses from thinking any more than it takes to buy into their agenda. Both Wall Street and Madison Avenue are controlling generally held opinions through the mass media.

Depressing, eh? (I'm Canadian, eh! :-V ) But keep on exhorting people to think! ENLIGHTENED self-interest will always know that when people do and say what's best for everyone, each profits. And people have to think to know what's best.

Cheers, woggie
I have read all of your peoples replies and discussions but I could not help but chuckle at the replies.
Dont get me wrong I am but just a kid in front of you people but what i have guessed is people have allways been anti of new and powerful 'companies, rulers, governments,industries and even new ideas.
It is natural thinking for us humans as &quot;selection of the best&quot; theory by Darwin supports this fact.
It is natural for us to be wary and afraid of new things other wise humans would not have been here but,
So try to be patient and let in some fresh air. Dont change your views but dont be overtly sensitive and wary.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Hi ctl-alt-del - Oh, boy! Now you've opened up a can 'o' worms!

&quot;What if Microsoft weren't?&quot;

Yes, we would be connected. I'm as sure of that as I can be when speculating on an alternate reality. We might all be using Macs or SparcStations or SGI machines or NeXT boxes - all of which are stronger and more stable than WIntel stuff. We'd quite possibly be further ahead than we are now. None of us can tell.

Linux, BTW, was conceived long before Windows was more than a buggy pipedream. A quick search in showed an article available from Linus Torvalds discussing Linux, his brainchild based on UNIX, on August 25th, 1991. (I don't know the date of the first release of Linux - can anyone enlighten me?) The newest hardware thing at that time was the IBM AT and its clones. Windows barely existed except in development (actually, as IBM's OS/2!) and what was available was buggy as hell and there were few apps for it - not even MS Apps, except for Paintbrush maybe. Word and Excel were only ported to DOS and Mac.

Nevertheless, you are right (if I understand what you are trying to say accurately) that Darwin's natural selection is an inescapable reality and, given that Gates, Allen, and Ballmer happened to be there to take the place of ol' what's'isname (the CPM guy who dropped the ball) when IBM came calling, Microsoft has been equally inescapable.

Cheers, woggie
I've checked out the articles quoted and here's how I see it. 1) Microsoft store and control all you personal details, itineray, contacts basically the whole story of your life 2) They apparently own the rights to it and can do what they wish with it 3) The American government then ask Microsoft for specific information on specific individuals or god forbid access and routinely analyse the information, as the individual has signed over rights on this information they are powerless to stop this. I leave the rest to your imaginations. I am in no way surpised that Microsoft got off so lightly in their courtcase. I would urge anyone with a modicum of concern to avoid the .net services. I await the men in grey. SOL
&quot;If I'm talking c**p, I'm probably p****d&quot;
I think your are confusing paranoid with insightful and astute.

Oooops...here come the men in grey...gotta g

If not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
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