I am setting up a High Availiblty Cluster with UDB databases. Each system will have its own instances. When the system comes up, I do not want to automatically start the instances....
I was going to remove the db2inst from the startup and run the db2iauto -off Instance....
Now I am not sure how to start the instances. I must have the abilty to bring the instances up seperatly and not at boot. They will start once the HACMP software attaches the disks and mounts the filesystems...
Case in point.... System A has Instance A, System B has Instance B and C.... if System B fails, Instance B and C must run on System A.
I was going to remove the db2inst from the startup and run the db2iauto -off Instance....
Now I am not sure how to start the instances. I must have the abilty to bring the instances up seperatly and not at boot. They will start once the HACMP software attaches the disks and mounts the filesystems...
Case in point.... System A has Instance A, System B has Instance B and C.... if System B fails, Instance B and C must run on System A.