Some B*st*rd with too much time on their hands tried some very simple hacking on one of our solaris boxes, via the web server ...
however he seemed to be under the misapprehension that we were running on a windows based machine ...
worse than that he was connecting from a static IP from a windows box with no password set for Administrator and fat based filing system (i.e. no user/password protection on files)
my boss put a file on his machine (using samba), on his desktop that said 'It's a good job i'm not vindictive, don't hack' ...
Just wondering what any of you would have done ...
however he seemed to be under the misapprehension that we were running on a windows based machine ...
worse than that he was connecting from a static IP from a windows box with no password set for Administrator and fat based filing system (i.e. no user/password protection on files)
my boss put a file on his machine (using samba), on his desktop that said 'It's a good job i'm not vindictive, don't hack' ...
Just wondering what any of you would have done ...