This is for those of you who enjoy hacking your table files (.dbc, .frx, .lbx, .mnx, .pjx, .scx, .vcx).
Have you ever been browsing one and said to yourself, "Gee, I wonder what that code stands for?" or "I want to change this to that, but I don't know what the code for that is."
If so, these reports might be of interest. If you've never hacked a table file, there's not better time to start than today; For hacking table files is just another example of how flexible VFP really is.
Under you VFP Home() directory, you will find a subdirectory named FileSpec. In the FileSpec directory, you will find reports named 26*.frx and 60*.frx. The 26*.frx reports apply to FoxPro 2.6 and the 60*.frx reports apply to VFP6.
Take a peek at these reports and you'll discover the mystery of the VFP table files structures.
One final note for the newbies on hacking, ALWAYS make a backup prior to making any changes to the table data or else you may discover what a man made disaster really is. [sig]<p>Jon Hawkins<br><a href=mailto:></a><br><a href= > </a><br>Focus on the solution....Not the problem.[/sig]
Have you ever been browsing one and said to yourself, "Gee, I wonder what that code stands for?" or "I want to change this to that, but I don't know what the code for that is."
If so, these reports might be of interest. If you've never hacked a table file, there's not better time to start than today; For hacking table files is just another example of how flexible VFP really is.
Under you VFP Home() directory, you will find a subdirectory named FileSpec. In the FileSpec directory, you will find reports named 26*.frx and 60*.frx. The 26*.frx reports apply to FoxPro 2.6 and the 60*.frx reports apply to VFP6.
Take a peek at these reports and you'll discover the mystery of the VFP table files structures.
One final note for the newbies on hacking, ALWAYS make a backup prior to making any changes to the table data or else you may discover what a man made disaster really is. [sig]<p>Jon Hawkins<br><a href=mailto:></a><br><a href= > </a><br>Focus on the solution....Not the problem.[/sig]