My friend got sucked in by the fake Microsoft service company from India when they phoned him saying his computer was sending out an alarm. Of course, he told me about it next day after he agreed to pay the $250 and then did not wire the money. He said he was ok and the computer ran fine. Well they retaliated by entering his computer again the next day and now when he tries to boot the computer (even in safe mode) the moment it tries to boot Windows XP pro the computer shuts he calls me over {sigh}
I am not that familiar with XP Pro and the only thing I can think it could be is that they replaced the XP equivalent of Autoexec.bat with a line to shut down the computer immediately.
That is the guess on my part. Any ideas on how to fix this thing...the computer is an old Toshiba laptop with a cd-rom available...I tried to do a fresh install of XP home addition but as I said it shuts down as soon as it starts to do this. How can I help him? Other than smacking him upside the head for doing something dumb
Jim Broadbent
I am not that familiar with XP Pro and the only thing I can think it could be is that they replaced the XP equivalent of Autoexec.bat with a line to shut down the computer immediately.
That is the guess on my part. Any ideas on how to fix this thing...the computer is an old Toshiba laptop with a cd-rom available...I tried to do a fresh install of XP home addition but as I said it shuts down as soon as it starts to do this. How can I help him? Other than smacking him upside the head for doing something dumb
Jim Broadbent