TZ190 -SonicOS Enhanced
Global VPN Client
Clients stick at acquiring IP
Sonic is NOT DHCP enabled, whart is checked is forward all requests to the server addresses below with DHCP server on local LAN in there.
If I enable the Sonic's DHCP it works, but conflicts with the SBS DHCP !!!!
Any work arounds, config amendment suggestions etc would be greatly appreciated.
<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Global VPN Client
Clients stick at acquiring IP
Sonic is NOT DHCP enabled, whart is checked is forward all requests to the server addresses below with DHCP server on local LAN in there.
If I enable the Sonic's DHCP it works, but conflicts with the SBS DHCP !!!!
Any work arounds, config amendment suggestions etc would be greatly appreciated.
<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>