Ok, I am installing CE9.0 demo on a system running Win2K3 and IIS6. First off, do I need to install anything first (CR9)? When I run through the install, everything seems fine, then when I try to start the RAS Lauchpad, I get a file not found. No-where this system is there a rassamples file. I've been reading about a sample folder that should install in the C:\Inetpub\ dir but nothing is there either. I've repaired and reinstalled numerous times with no success. Second question, when I browse to C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Report Application Server 9\Samples and try to run index.html, the file redirect.asp opens up as code...what's up with this? All the ASP pages that are in the Crystal Decisions dir open up this way. Other ASP pages (other sites) open just fine. Has anyone had this much trouble installing this? Please help! Thanks,