When you start Crystal 2008, you get a distinctive Start Page. This has recent reports and new options, as before. It also has what I took to be an advert. It is that, but it also has links to some useful data.
Click the [Report Designer] tab: you’ll see a new page that includes [What's New in Crystal Reports 2008]. Click this and it opens a web page for you. This includes a useful page called [Features and Functions].
As well as this, if you click [Brochures and White Papers] you get several more, including a link to a PDF called “Comparison of Features by Version for the SAP Crystal Reports Family of Offerings". This tells you what’s new and also when it started.
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Crystal 2008 with SQL and Windows XP
Click the [Report Designer] tab: you’ll see a new page that includes [What's New in Crystal Reports 2008]. Click this and it opens a web page for you. This includes a useful page called [Features and Functions].
As well as this, if you click [Brochures and White Papers] you get several more, including a link to a PDF called “Comparison of Features by Version for the SAP Crystal Reports Family of Offerings". This tells you what’s new and also when it started.
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Crystal 2008 with SQL and Windows XP