When i invoke WDB debugger(HP box), i am getting the following error. Actually, it is a remote server that i am trying to access for debugging.
The error is as follows:
Do you have the [tt]DISPLAY[/tt] environment variable defined? On the system you are running the debugger on, you need to define where you want the display to pop up. Something like...
Hi Sam,
Though i set display, both ip addresses(local pc as well remote pc ip), I am getting the following error. But, i am sure wdb is installed in our server.(gdb works fine, but not WDB).
1.Which system did you set the DISPLAY variable on (the remote?)
I am connecting a remote system(windows) using remote desktop connection. It has its own ip address. This system is dedicated to me only in onsite. Here, using putty i am connecting to HP unix. Here, Virtually, i am working as if i am in onsite.
2.Which display did you set it to use (the local one?)
This is my local ip address(windows)
I tried setting both DISPLAY's and ran WDB, It said the same error.
Regarding networks permission, i need to check up with the administrator.
> What you need is a program that let you run a linux x client from windows.
Sure, but rather _X-terminal server_, not a _client_. Client runs on remote Unix, server on Windows displays the output. For example Exceed from Humingbird:
I installed exceed'97 evaluation version. And tried with onsite ip address. Still i am getting the following error.
error as follows
"(152)==> wdb
Error: Can't open display:
What do you mean saying "I am connecting a remote system(windows) using remote desktop connection". Is there some third Windows workstation inbetween? Don't you connect HPUX directly from your local PC? If so, install Exceed on that remote PC, not on your local one and set DISPLAY in HPUX to IP of that remote PC.
Yes, It is third windows workstation in between. I am not connecting HP directly from my local PC. I installed Exceed on remote PC only and set the DISPLAY in HP with the ip of remote PC.
But, All in vain, i am getting the above mentioned error.
Can you ping from HPUX to that remote PC? Do remote PC and HPUX belong to the same LAN segment? Are there probably some routers-firewalls between HPUX and remote PC, blocking X-terminal messages? No idea about Exceed or HPUX configuration - it was so many time ago.
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