Not sure if this should be in the Cisco Switching room or here but here goes. ....
I Have a VLAN just for Wireless guest users. This VLAN is VLAN 10.
The VLAN has an ip assigned to it of and uses a DHCP scope that allocates addresses from -
This has been in use for about 3 months and has been working fine until this weekend.
I get a complaint that a user cannot access the internet.
In my investigation I see that I am picking up a 10.10.2.x address. The funny thing is that this subnet does not exist on my network and I can’t seem to see where these addresses are coming from.
My primary VLAN is unaffected, Thank God. The issue is only with the Guest Vlan that supports wired and wireless devices. Anything that connects Via VLAN 10 either by wireless or statically defined VLAN 10 ports will pick up this oddball network. If it were a 192.168.x.x address I would suspect that some idiot has plugged in a home router to a LAN switch port under their desk. But the nature of the IP address closely mimics our real addresses.
I can’t see any mention of this network any ware on the DHCP server nor the Core switch that Controls the VLAN info.
Any Ideas?? On how to figure out where these IP’s are coming from? How to stop them?
I Have a VLAN just for Wireless guest users. This VLAN is VLAN 10.
The VLAN has an ip assigned to it of and uses a DHCP scope that allocates addresses from -
This has been in use for about 3 months and has been working fine until this weekend.
I get a complaint that a user cannot access the internet.
In my investigation I see that I am picking up a 10.10.2.x address. The funny thing is that this subnet does not exist on my network and I can’t seem to see where these addresses are coming from.
My primary VLAN is unaffected, Thank God. The issue is only with the Guest Vlan that supports wired and wireless devices. Anything that connects Via VLAN 10 either by wireless or statically defined VLAN 10 ports will pick up this oddball network. If it were a 192.168.x.x address I would suspect that some idiot has plugged in a home router to a LAN switch port under their desk. But the nature of the IP address closely mimics our real addresses.
I can’t see any mention of this network any ware on the DHCP server nor the Core switch that Controls the VLAN info.
Any Ideas?? On how to figure out where these IP’s are coming from? How to stop them?