Well, I'm making headway bringing up a new machine as we will be decomishioning an old box.
So far, I have groupwise installed and the GWIA. Now, I'm trying to install web access. All seemed ok during the install but it does not appear in my groupwise view. I went to the console and typed
and received the following error message.
CMC initialization of the Groupwise Domain Database failed (c002)
I looked up the error and it said that I need to install from nwadmin32 and to re-install. Well, nwadmin32 is what I'm using, but the installation was from the cdrom so I don't think that message was correct. Anyways, I tried re-installing and received the same error message.
Any ideas?
So far, I have groupwise installed and the GWIA. Now, I'm trying to install web access. All seemed ok during the install but it does not appear in my groupwise view. I went to the console and typed
and received the following error message.
CMC initialization of the Groupwise Domain Database failed (c002)
I looked up the error and it said that I need to install from nwadmin32 and to re-install. Well, nwadmin32 is what I'm using, but the installation was from the cdrom so I don't think that message was correct. Anyways, I tried re-installing and received the same error message.
Any ideas?