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Groupwise Replacement

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Jan 2, 2004
Anybody have a product they would recommend to replace GW?

"Life Is Good!
Are you kidding?

The only other PO I would even consider is sendmail.
No, not kidding. The story leading up to why I ask is long and not important to the question at hand. I do thank you for the reply.

"Life Is Good!
I bet $100 (with odds of being right at about 95%)...

You are looking to replace groupwise because you've been having problems, it's not stable, you don't understand it, it's been installed for years and never maintained. You're frustrated cause nothing works right. and ultimately you think that if you kick it to the curb and start over, you'll be a lot better off.

I'm guessing that the reason is NOT your CFO that just got hired, because any of those guys - they automatically go with MS Exchange cause that's who takes them golfing.

(Sorry, don't know of any mail system that is better.)

Marvin Huffaker, MCNE
Looks like you owe me $100, Marv!

Long story short: got NW 6.5 running last Fall. Groupwise installed. Works for some of us, not all of us. Boss states notify does not notify so he never knows when he has new mail. Coworker states he gets messages once a week. Our consultant has not been able to fix the problem, this is a 'side job' for him. I am the only one in the IT dept that wants to keep GW. I maintain this product can't be junk as so many larger companies live on it.

"Life Is Good!
Sounds like IT problems, not software problems.... If you think these kind of problems are GW's fault, get Exchange and see what happens...
As Marv stated; You are looking to replace groupwise because you've been having problems. There for, the judges say, Marv won that bet.

A better solution? Well, you could go with domino .... it will cost you 10x more to maintain, but it is VERY good and has comparible features. There is also Exchange, thats the mail system to go with if your life is boring and you need to make it more exciting by doing daily reboots and daily updates and bring the mail system down every time a new virus is released.

My suggestion: Fire your consultant, he's a n00b Those "side job" guys may be cheeper, but in the long run they cost companies more to do deployments due to lack of training on the consultants part (and lack of good resources since we can't all be experts at this stuff).

Now go to: and find your local partner. Platinum partner would be best, gold will do .... just ask to see thier certification ID (all CNE's get one).

Brent Schmidt Certified nut case [hippy]
Senior Network Engineer
Keep IT Simple
I'm with Brent .. What you are saying is actually the case - that's exactly what I was talking about. The only thing I was wrong about was the length of time you've had it installed. :) Maybe you don't see it but I see that exact scenario all the time.

Any "Side" consultant is usually worthless when it comes to GroupWise. In fact, many regular consultants are worthless as well. I run into GroupWise installations all the time that, quite honestly, I can't believe they ever worked. A couple days or even a week with a consultant that knows GroupWise, and your opinion of it will completely change.

I have also been known to place actual wagers with customers (yes I'm serious) -- If I can't stablize a GroupWise system AND make it work reliably and secure (the way it is designed) AND make the customer understand GroupWise and see the power and functionality of it -- I will refund my consulting fees. And By The Way, I've never lost that bet. :) For some, my consulting fees may seem pretty high -- I'm not cheap and I'm also not afraid to say it.. But if you look at the big picture, how much time and productivity have you lost just fighting with this since day 1? And the money you HAVE paid to the other guy, even though it is much less .. what has it gotten you?


PS. I'm also guessing that GW is installed in a default setup (meaning that the guy went through the install and just let it pick all the defaults for him), which if thats the case, GroupWise is installed on your SYS volume, and that can be a catastrophe waiting to happen. This also means that no tuning or other tweaking has been done. And in fact, nothing has probably been done to incorporate any best practices that are common knowledge in the GroupWise community.

Sorry, I didn't start out meaning to go on and on like that.

Marvin Huffaker, MCNE
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