I got code from another thread to send an e-mail through Groupwise from VBA. The code was downloaded from here:
I added the following for blind copies:
Dim bcpyRecTo(1, 0) As String
bcpyRecTo(0, 0) = "XXX@YYYY.com"
.RecBc = bcpyRecTo
Now I want to send a blind copy to another e-mail address. Can anyone help me with this?
I got code from another thread to send an e-mail through Groupwise from VBA. The code was downloaded from here:
I added the following for blind copies:
Dim bcpyRecTo(1, 0) As String
bcpyRecTo(0, 0) = "XXX@YYYY.com"
.RecBc = bcpyRecTo
Now I want to send a blind copy to another e-mail address. Can anyone help me with this?