i work with CR 8 and VB6.
At the moment i try to create a report with different groups. Now i need Summaries after each group, but i don't know how to do this. The report knows the fields and the groups (the drill-down is there) but i don't know if i have to create severel summaryfields oder if there is an automatical possivility to add the summaryfields for the groups.
My report should look like this..for example
Country Product Month Export(Euro)
Germany Cars 200302 20
Cars 200303 30
Germany Cars 50
Germany shoes 200202 10
shoes 200304 10
shoes 200302 12
Germany shoes 32
England .....
And so on. So, i have several groups (could be countrys,products, groups of countrys,groups of products etc...)
Can anybody help me or show me an example that nearly the same?
i work with CR 8 and VB6.
At the moment i try to create a report with different groups. Now i need Summaries after each group, but i don't know how to do this. The report knows the fields and the groups (the drill-down is there) but i don't know if i have to create severel summaryfields oder if there is an automatical possivility to add the summaryfields for the groups.
My report should look like this..for example
Country Product Month Export(Euro)
Germany Cars 200302 20
Cars 200303 30
Germany Cars 50
Germany shoes 200202 10
shoes 200304 10
shoes 200302 12
Germany shoes 32
England .....
And so on. So, i have several groups (could be countrys,products, groups of countrys,groups of products etc...)
Can anybody help me or show me an example that nearly the same?