I'm trying to accomplish the following.
I have a customer database which includes their state (string) and I'd like to put in a group formula field that looks at the state of the customer and puts them into a specific group i.e. West, South, Midwest, North East.
I think the way I'll have to do it is with an array, but I've never used an array before so I really don't know where to start.
I tried a formula field using
If {customer.state} = "CA" or {customer.state} = "OR" and so on
Then "West"
Else If....and so one and on but I get an error that the result must be a boolean.
Any ideas? I can't seem to find any info on others doing this which I found strange.
I have a customer database which includes their state (string) and I'd like to put in a group formula field that looks at the state of the customer and puts them into a specific group i.e. West, South, Midwest, North East.
I think the way I'll have to do it is with an array, but I've never used an array before so I really don't know where to start.
I tried a formula field using
If {customer.state} = "CA" or {customer.state} = "OR" and so on
Then "West"
Else If....and so one and on but I get an error that the result must be a boolean.
Any ideas? I can't seem to find any info on others doing this which I found strange.