I'm using Crystal V10, and have a report that I want to add a monthly grouping level to.
All the data comes from 3 separate sub reports, and is just all passed through to the main page to display and calculate summaries between the sub-reports.
The main page has a group by location, and the 3 sub reports sit in the group footer.
The main report has a start date and end date parameter, which passed to the sub reports to get the right data.
Unfortunately, each subreport uses the date parameters differently.
SR1 - {Initial_filing_Date} < {?Start_DATE} and
{CLOSING_DATE} >= {?Start Date}
SR 2 - {Initial_filing_Date} > {?Start_DATE} and
{Initial_filing_Date} < {?END_DATE}
SR 3 - {CLOSING_DATE} > {?Start_DATE} and
As you can see, SR 2 uses the {Initial_filing_Date} Field
SR 3 uses the {CLOSING_DATE} Field,
and SR 1 uses both date fields.
So how can I put a grouping in the main report (either above or below the Location grouping) to group the data by calendar month if a longer period of time is selected (eg 01 July - 31 Dec 09)
The user also wants to have the option of NOT splitting the report by month, so as to have a total for the whole date range selected.
Please ask if you need further information.
Would love some help as I am totally stumped!
Had an idea about using the "Select Case" formula somehow, but not sure if that would work, or how.
Thanks in advance
PS - If I dont respond to questions straight off, its because I'm doing training all next week.
*** Count your blessings not your problems******
I'm using Crystal V10, and have a report that I want to add a monthly grouping level to.
All the data comes from 3 separate sub reports, and is just all passed through to the main page to display and calculate summaries between the sub-reports.
The main page has a group by location, and the 3 sub reports sit in the group footer.
The main report has a start date and end date parameter, which passed to the sub reports to get the right data.
Unfortunately, each subreport uses the date parameters differently.
SR1 - {Initial_filing_Date} < {?Start_DATE} and
{CLOSING_DATE} >= {?Start Date}
SR 2 - {Initial_filing_Date} > {?Start_DATE} and
{Initial_filing_Date} < {?END_DATE}
SR 3 - {CLOSING_DATE} > {?Start_DATE} and
As you can see, SR 2 uses the {Initial_filing_Date} Field
SR 3 uses the {CLOSING_DATE} Field,
and SR 1 uses both date fields.
So how can I put a grouping in the main report (either above or below the Location grouping) to group the data by calendar month if a longer period of time is selected (eg 01 July - 31 Dec 09)
The user also wants to have the option of NOT splitting the report by month, so as to have a total for the whole date range selected.
Please ask if you need further information.
Would love some help as I am totally stumped!
Had an idea about using the "Select Case" formula somehow, but not sure if that would work, or how.
Thanks in advance
PS - If I dont respond to questions straight off, its because I'm doing training all next week.
*** Count your blessings not your problems******